
Is it ok to let them drink?

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Is it ok to let a 17 y.o. and a 15 y.o. drink margarita? Or other cocktails? They said they saw younger kids drinking it. They actually drank it without me knowing. Is it ok for me to let them drink cocktails?




  1. no. you will go to jail.

  2. well, depending where you live it might be against the law.  but, since everyone else is doing it then why not? ...j/k

  3. Do not follow Nike.  Just DON'T do it.  time will come around for us all.

  4. Yeah. It's absolutley fine. Let em drink hard A too.

  5. Only if you like going to Jail

  6. Yeah sure it's okay why not pack a few cones for them too?

    What sort of parent asks a question like this?  

  7. No!  Take it from a full blown alcoholic who was given drinks as a teen.


  8. Not at all.

  9. Sure. It's ok for you to be arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of a child too.

  10. against the law, don't do it

  11. only if it's a special occasion. if you let them drink whenever they want, they will become addicted and thats not good if they're underage

  12. depending on what state you live in it might be illegal

    here is a state by state comparison of state laws about alcohol consumption by minors.

  13. up to you. i mean if you do let them drink in your presence you should also be aware that they will drink elsewhere with friends. just keep that in mind.  

  14. Nope. Sends double messages. The legal age is 21.

  15. I don't think you need to ask that question, all the teenagers are going to say sure why not, and all the adults will say no, maybe on special occasions. So I am one of those adults that will tell you no, why it lets them think it is ok when they are away from home, mom and dad let me why not at a friends house. Secondly you can get in big trouble for serving teens even if they are your kids.

  16. Legally in all of the US is is illegal to consume alcohol under the age of 21.  There is really only one exception at that is wine as far as religious aspect.

    The answer would be no, in my humble opinion.  Serving alcohol to a 15 and 17 year old is insane, illegal.  

    Just some of the charges you would be looking at...

    Contributing to the delinquincy of a minor

    purchasing alcohol for a minor.

    Child endangerment

    A 17 year old kid doesn't need a margarita.  if they want to feel like the adults, get the non alcoholic versions for them.  They are readily available

  17. they want to do it because they seen other kids doing it?

    oh, the peer pressure, the fitting in.

    if there was another reason such as curiosity, then i'da let them try it.. but that's a lame reason.

    maybe it's time for them to get back to  cracking with their duties and homework.

  18. Not only will you NOT go to jail, since as your children in most states and countries you have an incontrovertible right to give them alcohol, it is actually a very good idea for them to practice responsible drinking with you around to guide them.

    As for what they are drinking, try to keep tabs on how much they are consuming in terms of total drinks (approx. 1.5 oz. of liquor in a mixed drink, 12 oz. of beer, or 6 oz. of wine per drink).

    You are uniquely situated to show them that alcohol is not something to be revered, but to be respected and enjoyed in moderation.  

  19. well i am a teenager and you know what my parents let me drink at the house they new i was gonna do it anyway and if i was gonna do it they wanted me to be safe and know where i was im not saying u should do it but they r gonna do it anyway question is do u want to know they are safe just dont make a habbit of it!!!!!!!!

  20. NO. Punish them. When they say the other kids did it tell them the other kids aren't your kids so you can't punish them. When they say that isn't fair tell them welcome to life. If this was about having a small glass of wine on New Years at midnight it would be another topic. Although my Grandpa was Italian so that's probably more of why I was allowed(and I was 16 and that was all I was allowed to drink).  

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