
Is it ok to like disney at 15 ?

by Guest67072  |  earlier

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Is it ok to like disney at 15 ?




  1. yes

  2. Um. Yeah. I love Disney movies and I'm 21.

  3. Absolutely! A lot of Disney movies are classics, and who can resist adorable Pixar films like Wall-E?

  4. I love the Disney Animation films and, of course, Disney and Pixar are partners again (for a while) but I can't stand Disney TV.  It's like torture!

  5. Yes i love Disney! And i'm almost 21! And so does my dad and he's in his forties! So you can definitely love Disney at 15! Heck we're both members of And we go to Disneyland at least twice a year though we haven't been to Disney World in a while. My favorite Disney film is POTC:At World's End what's yours?    

  6. NO!!!!! disney chanel  is SUPER LAME. in case you didn't know everyone makes fun of the kids that watch that watch that no talent channel  

  7. Absolutely! Disney is timeless. Plus, the story lines in Disney are a lot of the same ones in grown-up movies - love, loss, friendship...

  8. Yes it is perfectly fine to like Disney @ 15

  9. you obvioulsy care too much.

    but who cares.?

  10. I'm a disney freak and i'm 20, disney is ageless.

  11. Yes!  Disney is ageless!

  12. Yup- i like disney & I'm closing in on 40. My college bound son likes disney & he is 18, my step-daughter loves disney- also 18. My son who is in Iraq will still watch some cartoons depending on what it is.... oh & my 18 year old is ajock/prep... so no it doesnt make you anything like a nerd to like to watch it.

  13. Yeah. I don't like Disney, but I watch a ton of Spongebob &I'm almost 17. Holding on to what makes you feel like a kid or reminds you of being a kid is a good thing.

  14. no, disney sucks now.  no one, even little kids, should like it.  unless you go way back to those awesome movies like oliver and company, the fox and the hound, the lion king, etc.  but the stuff now, it just sucks

  15. DEFO! lol disney is for ALL ages!!!

  16. Of course! It's okay to like anything you want. Don't listen to all those jerks that say it's stupid so are ppl over 12 that watch it. I do and I don't care what other ppl think.

  17. Of course!  I'm 31 and like Disney!

  18. only 19 but yeah i love them and watch them over

  19. omg yes.  disney is our generation!  The classics are amazing!

  20. Disney is a family production film company ,for all ages..

  21. Yeah, lol. I'm seventeen and everyone I know loves disney. Even my parents. If you decide you're too old for them now, you'll just come back to them later. Trust me ;)

  22. yeah I am 13 and I still love to have Disney Nights :) my favorite is Mulan. What's yours?

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