
Is it ok to like the Yankees and Red Sox like 1. 2. fav team?

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Is it ok to like the Yankees and Red Sox like 1. 2. fav team?




  1. Sure I can see it. The Yankees would be like true love and the Red Sox like "pity s*x".

  2. no becuz they are enemies if you were atrue fan you would like one and hate the other.

  3. It's a little weird.  You need to find something better to do than sit here and ask stupid questions like this.

  4. as long as you dont tell both teams its fine if you like both.  

  5. What is it with people asking us if 'it's ok to like this team, AND that team?'

    First off, why ask a bunch of strangers if its ok to like baseball teams

    Secondly, how do you expect us to answer a question like this?

    And third, the answer to your question is no, its not ok. Pick 1.

  6. Is is okay to take my dog to the beach if my cat cant go?

    You dont have a mind of your own?  Of course you can like who ever you want in any order, isn't that great!  I like the Angels and the Dodgers or should I ask you if that is okay too?

  7. i think you just wasted 5 points my friend. Really, people don't like the red sox AND yankees. just pick one, but don't pick the yankees.

  8. you can like what ever teams you wish law against it...unless you like the Browns and Steelers the same...that is sickening

  9. Well, it depends on the reason.

    Mrs. Jeter---you are beginning to sound more like a troll every freaking day...


  11. Dude, what's up with you? You seem like you have a complex about the Yankees and Red Sox.

    Here's some advice for you and I hope you honestly consider it.

    1) Stop relying on people on Yahoo! Answers to make decisions for you. You have a mind of your own. I suggest using it instead of letting other people (including your dad, who you mentioned before) tell you who to root for.

    2) Don't tie yourself down to just two or three teams as you consider who the h**l you're cheering for. Now, it seems like you're hung up on the Yankees and Red Sox, but there are other teams out there. Maybe you can look into those teams instead of just the Yankees and Red Sox. Who knows? Maybe you might like one of the 28 other teams more. Be a trendsetter and be a Royals fan or something.

    3) I'm not going to tell you to only choose one team, but just realize that people, especially fans of the Yanks and Sox, are going to have something to say if you come and say that you like both. I actually know people who like both those teams, but most fans of those squads don't do that. You're going to have to live with it if you choose to be a fan of both. It may violate some unwritten fan code, but there's nothing illegal about it. If that's how you feel, we can't stop you. Just be ready for backlash.

    4) Stop making these d**n questions up. You've had too many questions on who you should root for. Pick a team, stick with 'em and enjoy the game.

    Good day.  

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