
Is it ok to m********e?

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I am 17 years old and m********e regularly. However, my best friend at school thinks that masturbation is, in his words 'a pathetic, disgusting thing to do and only cheapos do it.' At first, I thought he was right and thought sh*t, am I a freak? But now I talk to a few of my other mates, I can tell that they m********e and I was wondering if it is a regular thing to do. Coz this guy is really making me feel guilty.

Once, today, in a conversation, I was on a site 'mens health' trying to learn about stuff and happened to come across masturbation. I made up a statistic and said that 80% of boys do it. He was like 'yuck, what bums, what's wrong with these aussie bums.' (He's Greek and is a little bit racist) I however, not being Greek or Aussie, took offence to that but didn't say anything. But bottom line, is he the odd one or am I?




  1. fact is men m********e (and so do women), It is a perfectly natural thing to do to relieve sexual tension and derive some pleasure. Another fact is that men are generally divided into two groups

    - those who admit they m********e and

    - those who lie

    Only a small minority of men ever go through life without ever masturbating.

    Basically masturbation whether done weekly or daily is fine. Enjoy it and ignore your prudish friend who is so uptight he cannot allow himself the pleasure. You are in the majority and in good company.

  2. "If you read the Holy Bible you will see GOD says right in there it is wrong"

    I do not know what Holy Bible Donna reads, but there is not said anything about masturbating is wrong in the Christian Bible. And masturbating is actually mentioned! But it is not meantioned it is wrong or neither "ok".

    God bless you, dude.

  3. i think most people m********e. men and women. he's the odd one not you. its nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. more than 80% of guys do it. in fact your friend probably does it too he just doesnt want people to know because he feels ashamed about it.

    happy masturbating!

  4. Hey it's normal to mastur the bate. I'm 12, and hey I do it twice a day! And more like 95% of adolecent boys m********e.

  5. Sure it's ok. Everybody does it, just some won't admit it.

  6. Your friend is the odd one out; PLEASE don't let him make you feel guilty!

    First read this, and be sure to read it ALL THROUGH - the beginning is a bit confusing:

    Now a quote from Wikipedia -

    "A 2004 survey by Toronto magazine NOW was answered by an unspecified number of thousands.

    The results show that an overwhelming majority of the males – 81% – began masturbating between the ages of 10 and 15."

    Jackinworld did a survey of its readers aged 11 to 19 and obtained the following results:

    Average Masturbation Frequencies by Age:

    11: 11.1 times per week

    12: 9.4

    13: 10.6

    14: 10.6

    15: 9.9

    16: 9.6

    17: 9.4

    18: 8.5

    19: 9.3

    Remember these are averages - some will m********e more often, some less.

    Then there are the health benefits - Wikipedia again:

    "A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

    You can see how this makes sense - when you m********e your heart beats faster, and your breathing speeds up. Since the heart and lungs are two of the most important organs in the body, any safe activity that exercises them is good for your general health.

    Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers m********e at least six times a week.

    There's a lot more I could say - but I hope that's enough to prove the point. I hope your friend can learn to overcome his prejudice against masturbation, and start to enjoy this wonderful gift.

  7. your friend is right and you are too.

    i'll say more than 80% and maybe 95% of boys do it, and in my opinion since you don't harm anyone else it's not a big sin,

    but however its the reflex of your sexual preferences and u should try to control.

    masturbating by the time influences on you and you'll get as d**n as other older people are (and of course they think they aren't)(cause it'll influence on your white and spiritual feelings and calm them making you wilder)...

    i've also heard that masturbating decreases the IQ and ...


  8. He is the odd one, not you.

    listen dude, im 26 and still masturbating.

    And it is not a sin, you hear!!

    btw (by the way) i discovered it when i was 13.

    Don't feel guilty, be proud.


  9. Basically he is the odd one,

    you are perfectly normal.... he will end up not knowing what he is talking about in more ways than one...

  10. The answer is No! And that is only my opion; If you read the Holy Bible you will see GOD says right in there it is wrong; Why do you think he made a women:?

  11. The real answer is that the only thing bad about masturbation is when it is not done enough.  This might sound strange at first but to understand the principle envolved requires a bit of research as to why.

    Nature is the answer.  Sperm cells represent only half of you DNA.  They join up with a females egg to complete a new person.  When males create sperm the in fact become an antigen.  An antigen is anything we introduce into our bodies that is not part of us.  A bullet, or a virus or a bacteria.  All these things are an enemy of the body and the body will fight it and try to kill it.

    So nature added a helper cell to the sperm so that it fools the body into thinking the sperm is a complete DNA.  All this is in an effort to not have the body kill them off before we can make use of them.

    One flaw in this design however, is that the helper cell has a short life span and is very temperature  sensitive.   As the helper cells die off the body is free to go after and kill the sperm.  If this happends the body will create anti-bodies to fight our own sperm cells.

    Nature steps in here and makes us rid our bodies off all this.  Out with the old and in with the new.  A similar praocess takes place in females, but we call this a period.  The body needs to get rid of old and replace with new all the time.

    For proper health the more mastubation we do the better everything works.  There is not limit to this healthy function.  YOu cna do as much as you want.  The old bad part to all this comes as a result of NOT doing it.

    Hope this helps...

  12. your friend must be really jelous, maybe he doesn't have a p***s to **** with?

    masturbatition is completely normal, its totaly cool dude

    my friend always masturbates sometimes he does it in front of me and yer... we have such fun

  13. Masturbation is merely a substitute for intercourse.  It helps relieve sinus congestion, opens the pores, and relaxes your body so you can sleep.

    Actually 99% of all males do it, and the other 1% lie about NOT doing it.

    Enjoy stroking!

  14. You are not the odd one. It is perfectly healthy to m********e, you would be weird if you didnt i reckon.

    Heres what i think about your friend... i reckon he does m********e. But he's too ashamed to admit it, because of what he has said about it. Denial is quite a funny thing.

    I once had a friend who swore black and blue that he didnt m********e, that it was disgusting and only for guys who couldnt get any... anyway, one night i went to his house to pick him up, i was early, and i always just walk in without knocking, went up to his room and what did i bust him was kinda funy, he laughs about it now, but he still says its for people that cant get any.

    So, dont listen to your friend. Its a perfectly natural thing to do, we wouldnt be human if we didnt do it.

  15. He's not just odd, he's eccentric. For one it isn't unhealthy  and is perfectly normal with most guys doing it. In fact some studies have suggested it lowers someone's risk of colon cancer.

    Your  friend sounds like he's hiding something...........

  16. He is the odd one. I have heard of no harm from masturbation if kept in reason.  Some have in the past pointed to a Biblical prohibition on spending your seed on the ground.  It is done in private and young people often do it in places were they fear being intruded upon.  Therefore, it is associated with something bad.  When a teenager I often irrationally thought that if I masturbated, something bad would happen to me as punishment: e.g. if I threw a paper on my paper route and it broke a window, I felt it happened because I had masturbated the night before.  I also remember that I would avoid masturbation if I faced a sporting event such as a race or ball game out of fear it would sap my energy.  But that was probably an irrational thought also. But reasonable masturbation will not affect your potency or make you go crazy.  It is considered normal and a healthy outlet for your normal sexual drive.  It has a number of benefits.  First, you can please yourself without having to concern yourself with the needs of another.  Second, you have a release for your s*x drive when you are young and unattached; it helps in keeping one's p***s out of places that would bring it owner more trouble than a young man needs.  Third, I often did it when I was young just before going out with someone special especially if I thought I was going to get lucky:  having masturbated recently helped me last longer during real intercourse.  Finally, I have heard that it helps promote prostrate health and regulation.  

         The problems arise when people get carried away or unhealthy.  When I started out it was in the shower with soap as a lubricant.  That I learned had to stop.  The soap irritated my p***s.  Another problem may arise if masturbation begins to interfere with other natural functions in life:  for example, is one masturbating so much he or she is avoiding normal sexual interaction with one's mate.  Another problem could arise when we take the desire for pleasure and excitement to dangerous heights:  such as masturbation in public or how about this one:  let's wrap a belt around my neck and m********e while undergoing asphyxiation.   One suggestion I have is that one not m********e too hard and don't do it with the same hand and in the same way each time.  Can't say for sure but I have wondered if guys masturbating in the same way over years have caused curves in their p***s and or diverted the little line that runs the length of the under side of the p***s.  

         I assume that the frequency of masturbation diminished when one mates with another person and has frequent and continuous sexual contact with his or her mate.  But even then masturbation may not continuously go away.  I remember during my mid-life sexual encounters with my wife were two to three times a week on the average with three children.  On the off days, I would often m********e before going to work.  And as noted above, it is the one time when you can focus on your sexuality and your own pleasure without concern for the feelings and needs of another even if the other is the love of your life.  Good luck young man and enjoy yourself with care and safety.  

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