
Is it ok to mix a russian hamster with a regular hamster?

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Is it ok to mix a russian hamster with a regular hamster?




  1. Definitely not. Syrian ("regular") hamsters are solitary and don't appreciate the company of any hamster, even their own species. While Russian dwarf hamsters can get along with other Russian dwarf hamsters, they can't be mixed with other species.  

    If you put them together, they will fight. They won't recognize each other as fellow hamsters, they'll just see intruders of a different species. Hamster fights can be pretty vicious, so it's definitely best to keep them in separate cages.

  2. No, the syrian will most likely attack the russian, syrians to not go well with hamsters of the same breed or others.

  3. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! the sryian will eat/kill/hurt the russian  sryians are solitary and like to be left alone!

  4. only if you are trying to get rid of your Russian.

  5. hamsters are not fussy who they sleep with

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