
Is it ok to pay my internet bill before my rent, ive been online for 3 days straight i havent left to eat or..

by  |  earlier

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sleep ? is this not normal anyone else done i just really like this new website i found myspace.




  1. rent first

    a)you need a home

    b)where you going to put your computer if your homeless etc.?

    unless you're sure you have enough money for both

  2. No ,Never. You need a roof over your head always. You can go without electricty and use candle's ,you can go without cooking gas and eat cold foods but you will always need a place to sleep and besides living in a shelter they will only steal your comp. anyway so why bother.Just  go to sleep and try dreaming about being homeless.That will help you decide.

  3. Don't worry.  Most public libraries have internet access.  Just go there when you are living under an over-pass.

  4. Sure it's okay if you can work your computer outdoors because thats where you'll be when they evict you for not paying your rent.

    Priorities. You think about it.

  5. Sure you can, but you will find it hard to plug your computer in at the homeless shelter.

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