
Is it ok to peel off the dead skin from sunburn?

by  |  earlier

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Kinda nasty but I was just wondering




  1. no!  It will leave scars!

  2. Try not to do that! You'll expose tender new skin and it will dry and crack and bleed. Let it heal naturally. Put on some good moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out.

  3. NO.

    let your body heal naturally. as crappy and ugly as it looks, you'll give yourself permanent scars if you decide to start peeling off your already peeling skin.

    i'm a hawaii resident. i get this a lot haha( well..when i get sunburn that is..)

  4. Psh, I do it all the time. Never hurt me,  been doing it once every summer on my arms for 20 years. Still no scars or permanant damage. Infact it feels really good to get it all off.

    1. Peel all skin off!

    2. Mix aloevera and an antibiotic together

    3. Apply after all skin is peeled off to the area.

    4. Leave well alone after lotion mix is applied for about 4 hours.

    That's from me!!! I've been doing this for years.... probably been doing it for more years than most of the people on answers have been alive ( most )  

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