
Is it ok to pick the religion that fits your fancy or do you have to pick the truth.?

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Some religions say that Jesus is the son of God. Others say that he is not. Both cannot be true, but what if the one you like isn't the truth. Can you still pick the one that you like?




  1. i have the truth. Jesus isnt the son of god and it's proven in Islam

  2. Religion in itself will never get you to God.You are the one that needs Him he doesn't need you.You are fee to pick what you want but why aren't you asking how do I know what He wants?Just a thought .

  3. One of my contacts and her avator name is *Blessed Hebrews* and this is what she says (and I think she says it everyday); well this is what she says, "Jesus is the Lord of me and the God of me."  That statement alone has all the right meanings and that is a powerful statement.  That must surely please God a lot.  Just passing it on to you and say that to God everyday.  I am sure God will come to you with answers and guidance.  Thank you Blessed, what a wonderful revelation.  Pass it on.

  4. It's okay to pick the religion that fits your fancy, but you can't get in the way of other people searching for the truth.  

    That means that among other things, if your religion tells you to proselytize, you need to ignore that part of your religion.  Also, you can't use your religion to determine public policy.


  5. Of course you can still pick the one you like, but it won't help you progress.

    There is only one Church of Jesus Christ. Christ does not have many different churches. He has one church. Man has created these many different churches for different reasons; no understanding, only hear what they want to etc...  

  6. Truth is absolute.  Your preferences and tastes do not change truth.  If you do not want to acknowledge God, that does not change His existence and power.  Many people find Christianity distasteful because it calls all of us sinners, an offensive word.  Whether you like that or not, it is still true.

    Feelings and preferences change.  Truth does not.

    Seek the truth.  Examine the claims of the Bible.  Check the books called "A Case for Christ" or "A Case for Faith", both written by a former atheist, Lee Strobel.  He wanted to disprove the claims of the Bible, but became a Christian as a result of his research for these books.  Another good book on this is called "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell.

  7. What is reality?What is truth?  Fith is usually based on "your fancy"  The one you like is your truth.

  8. Bible-believing Christians are commonly labeled as being hatemongers, narrow-minded, bigoted, shallow, and now even as terrorists.  I'm as narrow-minded as the Bible.  There can be NO compromise between Bible-believing Christians and the woeful sins of homosexuality, abortion, divorce, feminism, witchcraft, gambling, drunkenness, fornication, et cetera.  America is infested with prophets-for-hire, such as was Balaam in the Old Testament.  America needs more Billy Sundays, who uncompromisingly preach against sin without apology, and give the Devil a black eye.

    Now there's certainly nothing wrong with working together as a group to accomplish something worthy, good, and wholesome; BUT, many of the Godless agendas of our time, such as homosexuality, are rotten to the core, and there can be NO diversity, compromise, or team work.  The only type of Christian that a homosexual will accept is a compromised believer, who is silent concerning his Biblical beliefs against homosexuality (Romans 1:24-32).

    Daniel was cast into the lion's den ALONE.  David went out to fight Goliath ALONE.  Jeremiah was cast into a miry pit of clay ALONE.  John the Baptist was a voice (singular) crying from the wilderness ALONE.  Stephen was stoned to death, being ALONE.  Throughout the Scriptures we read that God's servants often were required to stand, and suffer, alone for their faith.  The stood as individuals, suffered as individuals, and oftentimes were martyred as individuals.

    The truth stands alone and it is not up for compromise. Any attempt to compromise the truth would be a half truth which equals a lie. There is no gray area with truth. Truth is exactly what it is. Truth is not an opinion. To accept man made opinions instead of what the Bible God's Holy word teaches is heresy. Heresy is a choice based on opinions instead of truth. I choose the truth no matter who it offends and who doesn't like it.

  9. No one knows what is 'true.' Pick what makes you happy.

  10. Too many folks cannot handle the truth and therefore picking and choosing a religion to match their own likes/dislikes will forever be a part of our world.  


  11. Picking the one that amuses you or sounds cool or is the one your friends are following is shallow and foolish.  Religion is about belief in the truth.  Believing in something you know isn't true is called make-believe.

    Of course, there's lots of opinion on what the truth is.  I'm certainly not going to say that good religious people pick "the truth."  They follow the truth as they best understand it.

  12. Not if you want what is gonna benefit your soul and actually get you to heaven.  You need to not go by what "religions" say, but get into the Bible and STUDY and find out what God has to say on the matters.  Not just some of what the Bible says, but all of it.  Paul said all scripture is profitable.  Do what you want, but I say let God be true and every man a liar, if their religion doesn't line up with the word of God.  I don't think I'd risk dying and going to h**l just because I didn't like a few things.  I hope it's not worth that to you, either.

  13. Everyone else does

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