
Is it ok to play golf, im 8 months pregnant?

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Is it ok to play golf, im 8 months pregnant?




  1. I would say it is fine, as long as it isn't too hot too cold etc, and you keep yourself hydrated.  But you may want to ask an OB/Gyn for a more complete answer.

  2. I would suggest asking a doctor or medical professional to be sure, but as long as you feel up to it I think you'll be ok.

    Things that might help:

    * Use a cart.

    * Go early or late - avoid the hot summer sun

    * Drink plenty of water

    I imagine your swing could be impaired by your current physical condition. I would advise you focus on your aim instead of distance. Don't over exert yourself trying to get on the green; keep it on the fairway for now. You may save yourself some back pain or other uncomfortable conditions, and you'll be that much more accurate when you get back out on the course after you give birth.

    Finally, practicing golf may be easier for you right now than actually playing a round. At the driving range you can take a few swings, relax, sit if necessary, and take your time more so than on an actual course. Chipping and putting practice offers the same benefits.

  3. i would suggest not hitting full shots. i think putting and chipping and hitting shots that dont require much physical strength would be fine

  4. just take it easy, get a golf buggy to get you around!

  5. Yes as long as your'e comfortable you can still do most physical activity. Try wearing extra comfy shoes though.  

  6. As long as you keep pace and don't hold up the group behind you go for it.

  7. Id say so but your feet will probably hurt if you stand up for too long though. Sit down as often as you can.  

  8. If you currently play, talk to your doctor.  I remember some years ago a woman on the LPGA tour who was 8+ months pregnant playing.  Stay hydrated, don't play alone, and know your limits.

    Good luck!

  9. its great 2 exersize while pregnant *just dont do anything that puts stress on the situps* i think u could golf, just make sure you stay hydrated and dont swing 2 hard

  10. Maybe you should just keep your putting and chipping sharp for now. With the physiological changes happening, especially in your core muscles, it is a better idea to avoid those full driver swings!

    I applaud your enthusiasm to keep playing the game though.

    Hit em soft!

  11. Not going to ask how old you are, but that is a factor.  My wife and her friend both played golf through their 8th month.  They sure made the starter nervous.  Ask your OB.  

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