
Is it ok to put food coloring in my oscar tank?

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Will it hurt my oscars to put food coloring in the tank to turn water blue.Oscars around 1 year old.




  1. Although the idea never occurred to me when I was into fish, my first reaction is no.

    I'd call up a fish shop (not Petsmart or Walmart) and ask them.

    Why not use a colored light? But even then, I'd check with the fish shop - they might need natural light.

  2. my daughter dumped some turquoise food coloring into my tank a few months back. i changed a LOT of water but it was STILL blue. but they are just fine. and the blue looked kind of cool. and a couple weeks ago i used food coloring to test the flow of an aquarium filter. no harm.

  3. You shouldn't add anything to your fish tank besides fresh water and water conditioning for fish. That's it. Nothing more than that.

  4. Why would you want to put food coloring into your tank? I don't think that would be a good idea, you could affect the breathing of your oscars, or possibly kill them. Not a good idea.  

  5. ummm no.

    it would probably kill them

  6. No, it's just a one year-old fish! You could hurt it or you could make the breathing worst and it'll start dying!

  7. No:  Food Colouring has chemicals in it that only large digestive systems can cope with.  And only very very very small amounts of it are used in food.  You would require a lot to do your tank so unless you would like a fish in heaven, i would without a doubt 100% say no.  Also, why do you want to?  Are you trying something out?

    Hope this helps :-)

  8. I wouldn't put food coloring in it. I bought some tabs to turn my pond blue, so maybe they make something like that for fish tanks. Why don't you search around online?

  9. um... no you cant put food coloring in the tank unless u want it to die

  10. i cos hurt them why do u even want to do it

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