For the past couple of days my 3 month old has been fussy often. I have nursed her when she's hungry, burped her, rocked with her, bounced her on my knee, played with her, gave her tummy time and pretty much all things possible to quell her crying and she is still fussy. I'm not aware of any teeth that she may be cutting but she has been drooling a lot and loves to chew on her fists and blankets lately. But this morning I have been doing all I can to help her to stop crying but she is still persistent. I have put her back in her room in her crib right now so both of us can calm down a little.
She also has slight plagiocephaly (flattening of one side of her head in the back) so the doctor wants her to not be on her back often so I hate to lay her down at any time unless it's nap time or bed time. But right now I need to gather myself some. Is it ok that I put her down for a couple of minutes?
My two year old is napping so I don't have to worry about him at the moment.