
Is it ok to put the center channel speaker behind me?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking this since i have a projector and my reciever is in the back of the room. i will be putting my front speaker in the front, but i dont want THREE wires running to the front of the room, so basically is it ok to put the center channel speaker behind me, or should i take no risk and put it in the front?




  1. There is no risk, but it makes no sense.

    The action will be in front of you but the sound will be behind you.

    It would be like talking to a friend in front of you, and another friend behind you answering.

  2. You don't want it behind you. In front center is the best place for it. You can always leave it out all together.

  3. if its behind you you will think everyone is talkin behind your back (hehe) cause that's where the most sound comes out of specially for dialog

  4. The center is the most important speaker.  Speaker wire is cheap and easy. You can even get away with the "flat" wire if it makes it easier to run.

    (sheesh.. put the center at the back..may as well put it under his butt... actually... that might be kind of fun..hummm)

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