
Is it ok to put this on a beginners acting resume?

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is it ok to put that im semi-fluent in spanish on an acting resume?? and should i write how many years ive taken dance classes or played soccer? examples of resumes would help too! thanks :)




  1. yea, thats fine. you should see my sister, she hit random notes on the piano for ten minutes and put she played the piano on her resuma, that is not fair.  

  2. You put the Spanish and the soccer under Special Skills.  You put the dance under training and you break it down by what type, not how long.  

    Ballet...............Debbie Allen...........Debbie Allen Dance Studio

    Jazz.................Suzy Q..................Denna's Dance Center

    Lyrical..............Mary Carey............Adagio Dance Studio

    Etc.  (The .....'s represent spaces because YA won't let me use the tab or space things out) Hopefully you have acting classes andworkshops to list too so it's not all dance.  Anything listed should be performance related.  If you are using this stricly for acting in the entertainment business you could put the styles of dance in the Special Skills section and only list your acting training.

    The thing is, you only list what is recent.  Not the ballet class you took when you were 3.  FYI, you do NOT list modeling and talent shows... if you are a model you might list who represents you for that, but you don't list that experience... that's a whole different resume.

    good luck,


  3. Here is a basic outline of a resume:

    (center) NAME.

    (on the right) Hight

    Hair color

    eye color

    age range. (1+ 1- ex. if you 14 your age range is 13-15)

    (on the left)

    who your represented by

    (acting agency, there address and phone number,

    if your not represented by anyone your address, phone

    number and e-mail) YOUR e-mail even if your represented by someone.


    experience, where, year.

    ex. Play(name the play and what character you played).... Your school..... 2006-2008

    Education, where, year.

    ex. Acting Classes..... Where you did them... year

    bottom center..


    name about 6 things your good at, acting, singing, dancing, etc.

    if you need any more help feel free to e-mail me.

    Also you shouldn't put semi-fluent in Spanish, you either need to know spanish VERY fluently (like it was your first language) or you shouldn't. Next YES put dance lessons in experience, you can also put that in talent/skill.. played soccer should really go in talent/skill also. Good Luck :)

  4. Being semi-fluent in foreign languages is impressive to some casting directors, but not all. dancing is a BIG plus. sports usually arent very important. you should also put how long youve been in acting classes, plays that you've done, what types of modeling you've done [if any], or talent shows.

  5. put the dance classes, because that could be advantage with musicals. but don't put the other stuff, it just makes you seem unprofessional.

  6.     I agree in part with answer # 1, but I can't imagine that it matters, in any negative sense to any casting director or company, regarding what languages you might be learning. Yes... Include it. I think SEMI FLUENT should be re-thought and not worded as such. That should be included in a cover letter however, not on the resume, other than as included in the education section somehow.

       Sports can be left off. While they might be an achievement, especially offering you strength and agility, a sense of teamwork, etc., they hardly matter as much as any experience you have in Acting. Dance can be added.

       A resume, cover letter, head shot, introduce you, but don't prove you and what will matter in your efforts, is whether or not you're a "wanna be", or actually have any credentials to back up a "wanna be more".

       For a beginner/novice, such things as school plays, and the roles can be added.

       A resume in a standard format shows your name, address, probably in 2008 an e mail address, a phone number.

       Below that, education,,,especially any related to theater.

       Below that, experience,,, in your case perhaps little, but should be included.


       Your cover letter would be more introductory in the sense that you can include goals, any awards, etc. Again, even the cover letter is no place to include such things as "OMG I so wanna be,,,". This is as professional, or should be, as any usual, corporate America, job search

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