
Is it ok to put toilet paper in a hamsters cage instead of crafting tissue paper?

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Is it ok to put toilet paper in a hamsters cage instead of crafting tissue paper?




  1. I use it, but I find that when it gets wet it gets kind of .. I don't know the word.  But it kind of sticks.  So I usually use paper towels, which usually seem to absorb better, so the nest stays fresher.

  2. as long as its not scented. yup they love it!

  3. yes, they'll use it for nests. and if you put regular tissue paper (like kleenex) it'd also be okay. not sure on the dye though, as some can be harmful =)

  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! They will LOVE it!!!! I ran out of bedding and I used tissues or toilet paper and my little baby boy hamster loved it. They like it because they can rip it up and shred it by them selfs and it keeps them busy. They can make their own beds with it and have fun. So go ahead and put it in his cage, he will have a blast. GOOD LUCK

  5. Yes, as long as the toilet paper's not been used.

  6. My hamsters love toilet paper. Make sure that the toilet paper you give them is untreated / unbleached and does not have any fragrance in them. Also if you are using toilet paper for the first time, closely observe the hamsters for a day or two to rule out any itching or allergy that the papers might be causing them.

    Don't throw away the empty tubes after using the toilet roll. Give them to your hamsters and watch them have great fun playing with it. I once put a whole roll of toilet paper inside and both my hammies had great fun ripping them off and spreading them all over the nest and using the tube for their games.

  7. It is perfectly fine to put t.p in the cage. I put it in my hamsters cage and the first thing she does is rip it up. Then she shoves a part of it in her cheek pouches and runs back to her nest with a stream of toilet paper hanging out of her mouth. They like using it as nesting material. I give my hamster two squares of t.p. It gives the hamsters nesting material and something to do, while it also gives you something enjoyable and funny to watch.

  8. Agreeing with Hamster Inc.

    They LOVE it. Yes you'll watch them stuff in their mouth but they aren't eating it. It's just the easiest way for them to move things around in their cage.

    I've also given my hamsters whole toilet paper rolls and they also love it. And they are just as happy and healthy as ever.

    Try it :) Your hamster may just love you a little more :)

  9. I dont know but we did use alittle toilet paper with ours and she seemed to enjoy it.

  10. -_- Um i don't think your supposed to put ANY KIND of tissue into your hamsters cage. It'll bite and chew and gnaw on it and then it'll eat it. YOu want your hamster to eat tissue? Hope this helps. But it doesn't. Lolz. =) Seriously. hope this helps.

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