
Is it ok to?

by  |  earlier

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Block someone then post a question pointing that person out?

Or is it cowardly and iggnorant, as that person who has been blocked cannont fight thier corner?

I believe its not fair on the person who has been blocked. Especially if that person has been accused of sending constant hate mail to the person who has blocked them.

Even though the person who has been blocked has NOT send hate mail, just replied to the person who sent the mail in the first place!

I know this is not relavent to adoption, but neither was the other question about the "mail" thing posted by anouther user




  1. That would be like slagging someone of then putting a gag round their mouth so they couldnt defend or argue back.Why cant everyone just accept that everyone has different views and respect them.  (SOrry but we dont live  in an ideal world do we?)

  2. First off, you shouldn't of sent a nasty email. Maybe that is where the question came from. Like i said before, your intent on this site is to make fun of adoptees who say they have issues with their adoptions. There are some(i know you don't think so) who did not have the idillic life that you had growing up. Therefore these adoptees may not have a rosy view of adoption. Are they wrong? NO! It's their opinion and it should be heard, unless it is so mean or out there.Then and only then should it be ignored.

    For someone who says she is happy, you a pretty hate filled towards adoptees who say they have issues, or who want reforms in adoption. For some reason you can't seperate those who say, yeah you know there needs to be reforms, from those who are absolutely aganist adoption. I don't understand your need to make fun of someone when they are down. Some adoptees come on here to ask legimate questions about adoption related issues. But you jump on it, in your questions and answers to make fun of, insult them. I mean you talked about slitting wrists in one of your answers.

    Then come to find out you send hate email to these adoptees! What if they were sudical? You just contributed to sending them over the edge.

    People's opinions are different, they are neither right or wrong. Noone on this site should belittle others point of view nor should they insult them from having a different view.

    All of us just need to get along, and move on.

  3. just another adoptee- you dont accept emails! how could she of sent them to you?

    anyone else notice how JUST ANOTHER ADOPTEE, WHATEVER and PHILM back each other up and corner individuals! they are TROLLS BEWARE!!!!!!!!! if they disagree with you they will get you violated and bully you!

  4. try not to worry about these people. u dont want to get caught up in this drama on here, its just a waste of time, let them have thier own little lame circle....dont let them upset u!

  5. There was no question yesterday that mentioned you by name.

    The question about blocking referred to someone (it mentioned no names) sending hateful e-mails.  If you are claiming that it was about you, then are you admitting to sending hateful e-mails?  

    If you don't send hateful e-mails, then how could it have been about you?  If it was about you, then you are admitting to sending hateful e-mails.  You can't have it both ways.

  6. Perhaps you should quit sending nasty, hate-filled emails to people then.

    Because you do, and they are filled with vile, cursing language and abusive words.

    So quite trying to play innocent, miss "happy adoptee" and suck up to the fact that you're just on here to play games with people for your own twisted reasons.  

    Whatever it is, I'm certainly not buying it, and a lot of other people are catching on, too.  

    As you once said to me (in one of your tamer emails) "Work it out, pet".

  7. it's useless as your q will almost certainly get removed.

  8. Anyone can block anyone they choose to. That is their option. If they did it just so you couldn't respond then yes I wouldn't think it was fair. But if it was because of you being nasty then they have the right. Remember 2 wrongs don't make a right. If you were just replying to them then they didn't want your opinion in the first place. I have gotten e-mails from those on the opposite side of my thinking. but they haven't been nasty in fact some have been very nice and gave me something (in a good way) to think about. I personally think its' about time that some on this forum agree to disagree about some topics and answers. The thumbs down thing you can tell is getting way out of hand also.

  9. Is this really worth getting so worked up over? Take a deep breath, calm, down and rise above it and if you are sending emails STOP (I have no idea if you are or not) Everyone is allowed a point of view. The angrier you get and respond the worse it becomes and then it turns into a vicious circle. Life is too short and worse things could happen.

  10. Life's too short. Rise above it and move on.

  11. No its not fair at all. Its also not fair for people on here like JUST ANOUTHER ADOPTEE. call you names either. I have read your questions and I believe you have a strong opinion and thats it. I have read what Just anouther has put down about you and I cant believe no one has battered an eyelid.

    Chin up

  12. I believe most people understand that this is a forum for the exchange of thoughts, feelings, questions, and ideas.

    I don't mind if people disagree with me.

    Every keystroke made is recorded FOREVER. Deleting doesn't help.

    I am careful even when using my option to "thumbs down" someone. I have learned to ignore certain "rants". I do use it when someone is WAY off base. I make a concerted effort to make sure I'm not always giving any particular person a "thumbs down" everytime they post something. If I find they are so far out in left field that I find them offensive. I block them. I've only blocked people who are completely bonkers. I do that for both our sakes. Cyberstalking and cyberbullying is a felony, which is finally being addressed by the courts and is not taken lightly.
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