
Is it ok to rearrange my snake cage?

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my snake is a 10 week old corn snake and she is about a foot and 4 inches. i have a ten gallon tank for her. her water is in the left corner of the cage and a branch on the right. is it okay if i put the branch in a different spot of the cage or change the position of the water bowl?




  1. yup, it won't matter. Go right ahead.  

  2. as long as the water is on the opposite side of the heat source than yes you can.

  3. Sure it is. Might even stimulate her to crawl around more. I find my snakes are more active when the cage changes a bit.  Seems to stimulate their curiosity.  I would avoid putting her water under a heat lamp or over the under tank heater...depending upon what you use to heat the cage.  Warm water breeds bacteria rapidly and most snakes dislike drinking warm water.

  4. I dont think its necessary to change around ur snake tank.

    u should leave everything the way it was.That way, their habitat is familar and therfore they feel secure, safe, and comfortable. Also, do not, and i reapeat, do not put the water bowl on the side with the heating pad. Its a disaster. the water will keep evaporating. Dont ever do that.

  5. It is perfectly okay, in fact you should do it about once a month. This is called enrichment and it helps the snake to be bored with his life. Make sure the water is not by the heating source, or at lease not directly under it or beside it and that you have nothing sharp in there.  

  6. yes as long as she wont bite you you welcome

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