
Is it ok to send a mesg.,cmmt or text to say.....?

by  |  earlier

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Is it ok to send one of those t someone to tell them that you Love them. Don't get me wrong I would Love to say it to your face but I am shy and busy.




  1. Not for the first time you say it.

  2. Only if you have told them in the best way you can first. Like face to face.

  3. def not the first time...that's just poor taste...

  4. Nope. Don't recommend it.

    God, I hated that time in my life when I was too shy to talk to a girl!! I remember one time writing a stupid letter and asking someone to give it to a girl that I liked. What a fool I was!!

    You have got to get to the point of realizing that even though it may seem like you could never live without him, YOU CAN!!  

    Once you finally realize this, then you won't really care if he rejects you, or even worse insults you. Only then, can you be relaxed enough around him to say what you want to say to him.

    Until then? Enjoy practicing talking to him, or reading romance novels or what not.

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