
Is it ok to sill want attention from boys even though you're in a relationship?

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I'm in a loving relationship of 2 years, but still like the attention from boys ( as i've read so do many other girls) and i do love my boyfriend, but still crave the attention from males. is this ok?

it's nothing physical, i would never cheat




  1. We all want to feel attractive and wanted. It's part of human nature.

    If you're not acting on these things, i.e. cheating, it's not a big deal.

  2. I suppose it's ok....if you have low self esteem and need to have your ego stroked to feel good about yourself!

    When I'm in a loving relationship, the attention I get from my man is more than enough for me and I don't even't think about other guys, let alone whether or not they are paying attention to me.....who cares?

  3. yes i think a girl even one in a realationship would want atenntion from boys just to know boys find her attractive

  4. It's okay to want it, especially if you're younger, but does it make him uncomfortable when you flirt in front of him?  And how much attention are we talking?  If you're just enjoying turning a few heads while walking around, that's different from getting really flirty with one guy at a bar.  However, it's not all that cool to lead guys on when you aren't available.  Attention when you are honest about your status is one thing; pretending to be available is quite another.  You and your boyfriend can hash through this, though.  If he's comfortable with your behavior and you're comfortable with it, then you're fine.  Everybody flirts.

  5. Most women still have the desire to be found attractive/wanted when they are in relationships. I know I do, and I've been with my boyfriend for almost five years. If a guy smiles at me or gives me a compliment, I eat it up. It lets us know we've still "got it". As long as you don't act on any of it, I think it's perfectly okay.

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