
Is it ok to sleep in my bed with my bird?

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my green cheek conure sleeps with me in my bed. i'm wondering if it is ok because sometimes i go to bed late and i wake her up during night when i move in my bed.




  1. No. it is very dangerous as you can roll on her and crush or suffocate her. Also birds need at least 10-12 hours of good sleep a night for best health. If want her close put her in sleep cage by your bed or in same room as you.  

  2. not such a good might roll over and squish the little guy...that would be sad.  

  3. No this is not a good idea.  For one thing, it can be unsanitary.  Secondly, your bird is not getting enough sleep this way.  A bird needs to have 9 to  11 hours of quiet, undisturbed sleep every night.  This is very important to the good health and good behavior of all birds.  Birds that suffer from sleep deprivation can have health problems as well as behavior issues.  It can cause feather picking, screaming, just to mention a few.  There is also the big possibility of your bird being injured or killed if you would roll over on it.  Please read my profile.

  4. You're risking rolling over her one night, even though I'm sure you are very careful.  Birds need 10-12 hours of sleep to maintain proper health and behavior.

  5. Not a good idea!

    Birds carry mites & fungi which can effect your respiration.

    Plus, you may roll over in your sleep & squash it.

  6. I dont think its safe.. unless you put the bird cage on your bed and sleep with him, I just wouldnt want you to hurt the cute little guy! i dont think it so safe.. but whatever you decide :)

  7. No, you could accidentally roll over on him and kill him. I actually read on some website the other day, that this in the top ten reasons birds die.

  8. YOu are a bit crazy lol!

    Ermm, not sure!

  9. I had a cockatiel for 12 years and, on occasion, he slept by me. He was out of his cage most of the time, unless I wasn't home. If I layed down to take a nap, or if I was home sick, he would sit on my comforter and sleep while I slept. I don't think it hurts anything if the bird is on top of the covers and can fly away if you are moving around too much.

  10. Don't think it's such a good idea -- you might squash her.

  11. Go for it if you're both happy and she can get away from being squashed. (Might be better if she was on the bed though not in it)  

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