
Is it ok to smoke cannabis round kittens?

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Is it ok to smoke cannabis round kittens?




  1. No. They'll have difficulty breathing (same as with normal cigarettes). Don't force your filthy habit on others!

  2. cats generally love pot, it's in the same plant family as catnip. i never used to give it much thought, but now i don't even smoke regular tobacoo in my apt. unless i'm right in front of the window. my cat seems to like smoke but i think he may have became addicted from my second hand smoke so since he can't talk or decide for himself i usually smoke everything outside. yeah i know i spoil him, but he's all i got!

  3. No

    you will get cool and messed up cats

  4. If a cat gets the chemicals within the system i believe its the case that they are never actually the same again.  almost as if they are high for the rest of their life... it does no harm to them as such though

  5. your hurting the kittens and your self but whatever you do is not illegal unless physical damage is "visible"

  6. If you smoke that stuff then they are the least of your worries.

  7. You should be more worried about yourself!

  8. Urr, its not ok to smoke cannibis.

    And, no its not ok to smoke cannibis round kittens.


  9. yeah why not

  10. I'm guessing the effects of second hand smoke apply to animals as well. It's just the same as smoking it around children. Maybe you could go outside? =)

  11. stop smoking.

  12. I got a kick out of your question, specifically the way you worded it... "smoke cannabis round kittens" makes it sound as if you want to know if it's OK to smoke kittens, of the "cannabis round" variety. :)

    Personally, I don't think you should smoke any type of kitten...

  13. NOOO!! they're like babies!! they need a clean, safe enviroment to grow up in!!

  14. yeah... I doubt they can report you to the police

    by the way, to the person who said they're like "babies who need a safe and clean environment to grow up in", How do you suppose these ANIMALS were born and brought up in the wild? I suppose next you'll be telling me they need dental treatment every six months. Some people are f&cking STUPID!

  15. most people will tell you that once a cat gets stoned or high from being around cannabis, that it is always stoned. i personally have never seen this nor experienced it. however, the worst thing it will do is most likely affect a cat the way it affects humans: sense of euphoria, chance of lung cancer from smoke inhalation, etc.

  16. yeah... i enjoy blowing smoke in their faces so they can get high too..... then they try to do all these tricks and then go to sleep

  17. It's Ok to smoke kittens.

    So h**l yeah smoke on Cheech.

  18. are you serious?

  19. LOL!!!  I don't see why not...

  20. as long as they dont grass you up.

  21. well that's fine

  22. The kittens should put you in hand cuffs !

  23. It's best not to inflict it on their little lungs s***k.

  24. if you do its cruelty to animals so dont even go there

  25. If you're okay the kittens will be always okay. But I would stop smoking this stuff. Thats the beginning of drugs.


  26. NO

  27. Open a window or something.

  28. It wont hurt them

  29. No its not. Its not funny. Leave them alone.

  30. it could make them sick.

  31. You will put the poor kittens into meditation mode if you smoke it around them.

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