
Is it ok to suck on limes or lemons when you have braces on??

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I have just recently had my braces put on and i love to eat lemons and limes. well, just suck on them ofcourse. And i am not very sure if that is ok for me to suck if i have braces on. I am afraid they will like rust them or break them or something so plz help me! I miss my limes!!




  1. NO, NO, NO!!!

    Please....the acid in the limes and lemons directly on your teeth will eat away the enamel!!!

    Really, stop doing that now....and remember all the citric acids are bad for the enamel (like those in soft drinks and sport drinks and prepared teas) You should think about using a product called  MI paste (google it, avail on ebay) to help re-build the enamel....

    Don't just believe me, ask your dentist!

  2. just dont try and have so many. lemons and limes are acidic and get erode the enmael on your teeth...i'm not to sure about your braces tho.

    Have a glass of water after and swish the water around, this will help wash away the acid.

    Ask your orthodontist on what they can do to your braces.

    But like i said, have a glass of water after and dont brush or teeth for at 30mins after you have had a lemon or lime! your enamel will be soft and brushing your teeth straight away can soften the enamel.

    and floss!!

  3. wow that is weird..arent lemons and limes really sour?

  4. ask your orthodontist about it and they should tell you.

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