
Is it ok to support Israel and Palestine?

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I support Israel as a Jewish state, I also support a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

I believe the whole of Jerusalem (including East Jerusalem) should be controlled by the Israelis and the Palestinains since Jerusalem is a holy city for Muslims as well as Jews.

I support both that possible?




  1. yes

  2. It should be possible.

    I personally support Israelis by telling them they are wrong on this or that so they may take care and consider the human values for our planet.

  3. yes, sure that's possible. i think most people in israel and the west bank probably feel that way. at least that's what all the polls say.

    jerusalem is a little tricky. muslims claim it's a holy city, but it's not mentioned even once in the koran, and the mosques in jerusalem were built on the sites of previously existing jewish holy sites, as a way to try to erase them. most israelis feel that jerusalem is only holy to palestinians who want to destroy israel.

    but i'm sure some agreement on jerusalem can be achieved. under israeli control, muslims have full access to their holy sites. under islamic control, the reverse was not always true.

    and until the palestinians in gaza decide that they want peace too, meaning they give up their dream of destroying israel, no peace is possible. how can you make peace with people who just want you destroyed? but the west bank palestinians might be ready for 2 states, and when gaza is, it might be possible.

    israelis are a little skeptical now because they withdrew their occupation of gaza, something the palestinians were demanding, and were met only with terrorism and rocket fire and hamas being elected. not a very hopeful sign. no one is going to withdraw from the west bank when they see the reaction to the withdrawal from gaza.

    remember that the west bank and gaza were occupied in the first place as a response to arab terrorism and war against israel. removing them won't stop the terrorism and hatred of israel, as we've seen in gaza.

    but it's certainly okay to dream. it's the palestinians that feel you can only support one or the other, not israel.

  4. One of the reasons we have a conflict today is because most Palestinians are living in horrible poverty in refugee camps administered by the United Nations from 1948 to today.  Also, the Palestinian leadership has a history of corruption, squandering billions in foreign aid instead of building the necessary infrastructure to create educational and economic opportunity for the Palestinian people.  Not only is this a human tragedy, this creates an environment for social unrest, extremism and hate against Israel.

    I think it makes sense to support both Israel as Jewish State with secure borders, and also the formation of a Palestinian State -- provided there is a responsible Palestinian leadership that puts an end to terrorist activities and builds a better future for the Palestinian people.

  5. h**l yea it is!

  6. of course! the only way that the two can exist is in union. people don't see that when they are anti-israel or that palestine never existed they are pushing peace back another 6o years. the division is the whole cause of the conflict. no one cares about the palestinians. everyone just uses them as pawns for their own agendas. the poor palestinians keep getting tossed around and its both israel and the arab nations fault. both are too proud to admit their mistakes and make things right, so they fight wars that are who they wish to "protect." if israel should some day not exist, the palestinians will have to fight some one else for the land.

  7. Its possible but defiantly not recommended.

    Shared Control will compromise Israeli security. As Pals Security will let terrorists roam jerusalem. Pals security are known to let terrorist operate in Muslim's holy places (because they are shielded from Israeli police).

    Do you own reserach and you'll find that Al Aqsa mosque was used as udnercover terrorist base, aided by security forces, while peaceful prayers turned a blind eye on such activities.  WHY? because israeli police/force/citizens are banned from such places.

  8. Its OK, however, you do understand that Israel was founded on the premise of ethnic cleansing of non-Jews, getting rid of the native inhabitants (today's Palestinians) in order to make way for the Jewish state was part of the Zionist goals from the start, and that Israel's founders committed a number of fairly large massacres of helpless men, women and children in "cleansing" operations (term used by Zionists of the period of Israel's founding) to achieve those goals?   You do understand that following the expulsion from their homes and land, many Palestinian refugees, facing hunger and starvation, attempted to return and collect their crops or belongings, the Israelis had policies of shooting to kill, and demolished 400+ villages to prevent them from returning?  Furthermore, that Israel's violent expansion and ethnic cleansing did not stop in 1949?

    The non-Jewish Palestinians would have been a majority in what became "greenline" Israel had Israel's founders not deliberately expelled them, that's why they did it.  Israel's founders always claimed all of historic Palestine for the Jewish state, that's the core of why Israel today refuses to allow Palestinians sovereignity in the West Bank, Gaza and are today trying to expel Palestinians from East Jerusalem.  

    Do you realize all this is what you support when you support Israel as a Jewish state?

  9. It's OK, and what most of the world supports.  It's what the U.N. supports.  It's what all of the western world supports.  Not that I agree about the details you suggest re. Jerusalem.

    I'm just not sure what your question has to do with travel.

  10. Yes it is...I am a Jew and that is where I stand.

  11. The trick here is to care about people and not nations.  There are good and bad on both sides and from the fringe.

    What I wonder is how a population of armed citizens can ever achieve in diplomacy.  If there is no government agency to enforce laws against, instead of in support of armed lawlessness, how can you ever form a state.

    Hamas has to disarm and allow the negotiations which have all been done and the agreements which are already on paper to proceed.

    That is all it would take for the Pals to have their own state alongside Israel.

    No more killing.  No more illegal import of weapons and tell Iran to go away as they just make things worse for everyone.

    Until then all we can do is Pray for the people caught in this trap on both sides.

  12. I support a peaceful, fair and just solution for all involved. No winners, no losers, 50/50, if all that can be in place then I can support two states....Peace!

  13. same way people think they can celebrate christmas and hanukkah together. theoretically it makes no sense.

  14. Sure. I think that would be the best. I personally support Palestine. Not saying that I want Israel destroyed but I think it important to support palestine to get their own state. Its not Fair  that their land just be taken away from them like that. AND NO it was not given it was taken. If you talk to some elderly palestinians they with tell you what it was like in those earlier years and how they were treated.

    I think create a palestinian state and help it get on its feet. That would be the fair thing to do.

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