
Is it ok to take mice in a car journey?

by Guest44755  |  earlier

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i am thinking about getting pet mice. we go and see my grandparents in hampshire alot and i really really really want two female mice. would they be ok in a 3 hour car journey? we usually take my cats and rabbits aswell cos we stay for about 4 days. could you give me some pointers about keeping mice aswell and some sweet names, i thought of anna and pippa but if u have any others, i would like to hear from you, thanks




  1. Yeah I take my hamsters all the time

    I like Cookie And Cream

  2. it should be ok just ask ur mum or dad if u can take some stops and bring your mice outside so then they wont get car sick lol. i have 4 femle mice they are called pip, patch, snow flake and cinnamon but if u dont like those u could name then suger












    well they are all i can think off right now but good luck oh and i might name my boy nibbles

  3. As long as they ride shotgun then yes.











  4. You can take them in the car but dont let them drive x

  5. Yes!!!!!  Could you name one mickey????? Please ;D

  6. A bunch of us do regular gatherings with our mice in Maryland and people come in from Illinois, Wisconsin, New York, Virginia, and the Carolinas, so I can say yes, mice travel quite well generally.  The problems we've had typically come from car breakdowns in either hot or cold weather, where the mice got so overheated or chilled they didn't make it.  So believe it or not I actually wrote a whole page about traveling with mice, lol!

    The key is to keep them hydrated (water bottles will drip all over the cage if you just leave them in place while the car is moving) keep them from getting overly stressed, and keep them within a comfortable temperature range.

    Cooked rice is absolutely the best travel food because it prevents diarrhea from stress and has plenty of moisture within it to keep them hydrated.  So you put the bottle back in when you make rest stops, but the rice is key.

    As far as temperature, most of the time you're in the car you're running either the heat or air conditioner and the temperature is safe for the little ones.  But when you stop at a rest stop it can get really hot or really cold in the car if you're out for more than 10 minutes or so.  So for that I have the temperature travel tips.

    Finally, a mouse that can't hide is a stressed out mouse, so make sure any travel cage you have has a thick layer of bedding and a toilet-paper roll or small box the mice can hide in during the trip, or they tend to go bonkers trying to get out.

    If you're going to be near Rising Sun Md. on October 4, we'll be gathering again and it would be a great time and place to get two female mice from a breeder--female mice that were already tame AND not pregnant, which is pretty tough to find in a pet store.  

    If you aren't going to be in that vicinity then, send me an email privately if you want some help finding a mouse breeder in your area.

  7. They will be fine in the car as long as they have enough water (make sure you check it every now and then too because it may leak) and food. Putting them in a travel cage with few toys would also be good so they are less likely to get hurt (some toys can be dangerous in a moving car). Mice usually cope very well with car trips - going about their normal business and/or sleeping through it!

    Names I've used include:

    Ginger, Cinnamen, Maggie, Speck, Sugar, Spice, Lee, Athena, Maia, Billie, Millie, Dyna, Alice.

    Its good to clean mice out at least once a week, give them a varied diet with some fruit and vegies (though not too many), cereals, seeds etc.

    Handle/play with them everyday. Sometimes they get lice, and if they do try to get on top of it early with some mite and lice spray as they can scratch themselves and get scabs.

    Toliet rolls, eggs cartins, boxes etc make good toys/nest boxes that they can run around in! XD

  8. theres no problem taking them in the car as long as you dont leave them unattended as it may over heat and kill your little babies! make sure they have food and water, theyll probably sleep all the way, and make sure they stay away from the cat!

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