
Is it ok to take peanuts or almonds in third trimester?

by  |  earlier

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here in southasian countries, its norm that pregnant women do not eat nuts, dates etc as they are called to be warm in their nature and not good for pregnancy.




  1. as long as your not allergic to any type of nuts, and your doctor has given you the okay... then there shouldnt be a problem with eating them.  

  2. I've never heard of not being able to eat nuts and I research pregnancy topics on a regular basis. As long as you're not allergic to them it should be fine.

  3. Most women are advised not to eat nuts (esp. peanuts) during the first trimester, and some of the second because the risk of them becoming allergic to them is increased or something...

    it should be fine for oyu to eat nuts, and they make a great snack too!

    good luck!

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