
Is it ok to take prevacid and then 1-2 hrs later take my iron supplement?

by Guest21556  |  earlier

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i just got my new refill of prevacid around 1:30 or 2:00, then when i ogt home i took my one iron supplement which was at around 4:30 or 4:15. i was wondering, that's ok to do, right? like, it shouldn't have any real bad negitive effect on me, right? i'm not used to taking more than one rug/vitimin in the same day and i'm worried i might go into shock or something >.<

i'm 15 by the way, and moth meds were prescribed by my doctor. thanks! :)




  1. good question, you should take your prevacid 1/2 hour before meals, and you should take your iron with meals (OJ is good) but you shouldn&#039;t take iron within about 2 hours of your prevacid.  I would say take your prevacid as directed wait until about two hours after you eat and take your iron with a snack or some orange juice.  You could also take iron with vitamin c to enhance it&#039;s absorption.

  2. This is really something you should ask your doctor or pharmacist. Do you really think you can trust a random person online to tell you what medicine to take?

  3. Prevacid reduces the acid in your stomach, which in turn prevents iron absorption. The effects of the Prevacid last all day,so there&#039;s no &quot;best&quot; time to take your iron. However, you do not want to take the two together, because iron will potentially prevent the absorption of Prevacid.

    This isn&#039;t a big problem, but if you&#039;re taking the iron to treat anemia, it will just take a bit longer for the anemia to resolve itself. If you&#039;re taking the iron just to be healthy, then there&#039;s potentially nothing to worry about

    Probably the best way to structure your regimen would be to take your iron at night with a bit of orange juice (if your doctors says this is okay) and then your Prevacid in the morning at least 30 minutes before you eat breakfast. The point is to not take them too close together. Of course, if you have any concerns, certainly speak to your doctor.

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