
Is it ok to take them out when......?

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is it ok to take my two lionhead goldfish out of their tank when using a gravel vacuum? I know you should really leave them in because taking them out can cause stress for the fish but well my lionheads are like 2-2.5 inches and I didn't think they could even fit into my vac but i inserted it into the tank and one of them swam right up and got sucked scared me to death but luckily he is is it ok?




  1. If you take them out of the tank, get a brand new and very clean 5 gallon bucket.

    Siphon some aquarium water into it and drop and air stone in to keep it oxygenated. Scoop the fish into the bucket while you're cleaning, just pour them back in when you're done.

    It shouldn't stress them out too badly.

  2. i would leave them in and just be carefull, but if you really must then you can take them out the tank, but not to often.

  3. usually the gravel vacuums have a thing that wont let the fishes get sucked in. so i would keep them in the tanks and just be careful not to go by them when you use it.

  4. Yes it is ok to take them out for a short period. Make sure whatever container you put them in use water from your 20 gal. tank.This will be less of a shock to them.When your finished, just dump the fish and the water back in your tank.

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