
Is it ok to touch a Koi? Will it die?

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Is it ok to touch a Koi? Will it die?




  1. Yes you can touch them.  Last weekend I watched an animal show about a man that had a Koi pond. His fish swam up into his hands when he put them in the water.  He stroked them while they just relaxed and laid in his hands..  One fish developed a tumor on its face and he found a vet that agreed to remove the tumor.  (expensive I bet!!!)   The surgery went well.  A follow up on the fish a couple weeks after surgery showed the fish had returned to his pond and was all back to normal.    

  2. no i dont think you should touch a  koi becoz of its scales that is why they make special rod nets for them so it dont damage it but you can feed it no problem in that i do it all the time its quite remarkable how it just takes it from your hand try it feed it bread or worms  

  3. Lol yes its ok too touch it.

  4. Yes, you can touch it without hurting it.  However, fish do have slime coats on their bodies that form a protective covering which is part of their immune system and protects them from disease.  If you are going to pet/touch/pick up a fish, make sure you have clean (not soapy!) wet hands first.  Be very gentle so as not to damage their slime coat.  If you can, rub some StressCoat or StressZyme on your hands first to help protect their slime coat while you touch them.

  5. ye go ahead, just dont startle them, they won't die. If ur having trouble touching them try it when ur feeding them.

  6. You can play with the Koi as long as they stay in the water. they are very trainable. Mine swim right up into my hand.  

  7. no, you can touch it. it wont die. their skin isnt sensitive at all, unlike a salamander. of course i wouldnt like grab a hold of it or anything. take your index and middle finger and gently stroke it as it swims by. (make sure to pet it the way the scales are going)

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