
Is it ok to use fabric plants in Feng Shui?

by Guest32573  |  earlier

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Is it ok to use fabric plants in Feng Shui?




  1. I think that would sort of defeate the purpose.

  2. There is no reason as of not using fabric plants. But the purpose of Feng Shui is to use the elements where needed.

    If you just want to use a fabric plant because you like it, no problem. But if you want to use it for a certain Feng Shui purpose, you should use a real plant, as it represents the wood element.

  3. l don't reccomend that since in feng shui theres also an element of wood and water, plastic plants don't add up to that. When we use plants, we try to induce tranquility with a subtle life and a slow but steady movement of water attribute within the plants.

    l'm no feng shui master, this is how l see the subject. Feng shui is not simply how something looks, temperature and atmosphere constitutions also have roles in its foundation. Plastic plants don't breathe life into the area, don't hold attributes of their own and don't take what we learn from nature and apply it to our enviroment.

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