
Is it ok to use sand in my bearded dragon cage but not feed him in the cage?

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I was curious if i take him out than will it be ok to use sand if i take him out to feed him




  1. if it's calcium sand, i still wouldn't use it as dragons will l**k surfaces occasionally. Regular sand should be find if you're feeding it outside of the cage but w/ salads typically you leave them in the cage and that's what a majority of their diet gets to be so just make sure it's at a elevated location

  2. What age is your BD?  If you read the links on them, you'll note that most do not recommend putting your dragon on sand until it's 18 mo. or older.  At any age, Reptisand is a killer.  It clumps when wet and does NOT dissolve.  Guaranteed impaction.  Please take the time to read these sites, and not just look at the pics, though as the adage goes: "One picture is worth a thousand words."

    But ingestion isn't the only risk.

    Using play sand provides a medium for bacteria and mold spore growth, as well as parasites.  Keep in mind that this is an environment you mist daily.  Sifting material from sand can't remove the minute bits of f***s.  The sand is NOT clean, unless you plan to dump the tank every couple of days and start over, which is a chore (very dusty) and gets a bit expensive, as well.

    Most lizards WILL l**k sand if it's available.  So, the question is - do you want to take the risk of impacting/killing your lizard for a tank which is more aesthetically pleasing to YOU, not to the beardie?  It is, after all, the BD's home, and will be only as safe for him as YOU make it.

    The best substrate for BDs is textured tile (not smooth or glossy).  It comes in many colors so can be mixed and matched to achieve the desired effect, conducts heat well, will help keep the nails trimmed, and is easy to clean.  I'll post this link so you can see tile in use as a substrate, but the fake wall won't hold up to a BD's weight, claws and climbing, so I do NOT recommend it as decoration.  It's intended for smaller lizards:

    Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  3. It depends on your age of your beardie. I have one thats a couple months old and she has to l**k EVERYTHING!!! I use non-adhesive self liner. You can get one that looks natural and sandlike. Its also cheaper, 2-5 dollars and easier to clean. But yes, you could take him out and feed him. I read on other sites it is best to put your beardie on sand when they are at least 18 months old. Just because you get sand, your bearded dragon may not get impaction, but he/she could still be at risk for it.

  4. Yes if you feed him/her outside the cage you can use Sand. You just dont want them to digest it. Good Luck!

  5. Yes its perfectly fine,an if you are thinking about getting some sand.Caribbean play sand is cheap, fairly easy to clean and creates a desert looking environment. However, use caution with hatchlings as some people feel it may cause impaction. Astroturf,alfalfa pellets, and vitamin sand can also be used.To create a Desert Environment.

  6. it's perfectly fine as long as it's calci or vita sand.

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