
Is it ok to use this as a crib?

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I am on baby #4. My youngest is 13 months and will be 20 months when this one is born. he will still be using his crib. so i am thinking about getting a "pack n play" for the new baby to sleep in instead of buying a crib and taking up so much space. (the pack and play that has the bassinet attached), if i make any sense.

Is this safe to use as a crib for my baby? when baby gets too big for the bassinet part i was planning on letting him/her sleep inside of it ok?




  1. Sure your baby will be fine.  My sleeps in those at grandmas all the time.  He is 11 months.  You do what you have to do.  I tuck a blanket in the bottom of the pack n play when my son sleeps in it so it is more comfortable.  Congrates on #4!

  2. They look safe enough to me, and remember the people who invent and produce these things know their job, they probably know it's more then likely a little baby can fall asleep anywhere at anytime so they will have brought that into consideration when designing this.

  3. Yea you'll be fine. Those things are nice too!! My daughter sleeps in a play pen at grandmas house and she is 2 years old.  

  4. I guess if it has a bassinet with it then it was intended to b used as that as well. I guess it would be okay. You should be able to tell by looking at it if there are any dangers.

  5. yeah, we've always used a pack n play for my daughter...from infant to 2 years old.

  6. You could use the pack in play until your 13 mo. old is grown out of the crib, then switch the baby to the crib. It is perfectly safe, but eventually the new baby may begin to try to climb out of it, like mine did. I don't see any reason why you couldnt. BUT I would suggest to get or make a mattress for it to make it super comfy for the baby, and to protect baby's back while sleeping.  

  7. i dont see why now parents use them all the time. just make sure that it is safe i might also sugest you go to a baby reasale shop and look at a little bassinet there. they are smaller then a pack and play  and by the time the baby out grows that then your youngest should be in a bed or you might have more room. they are cheep at a resale shop.

  8. When i had my first shild i really didnt have much room for anything so i got a pack n play with the bassinet that she sleeped in for about 8 months and there was no problem. I think it will be fine!!

  9. As an infant, the pack n play is just as good as any bassinet.  However as the child gets older, the pack n play "mattress" may not be thick or supportive enough for comfort.  It really depends on how comfortable your baby feels in there.

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