
Is it ok to wakeboard during the 6 weeks after u get an eyebrow piercing?

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Is it ok to wakeboard during the 6 weeks after u get an eyebrow piercing?




  1. A new body piercing may be sore, red and tender. It may become infected. You should treat any new piercing with special care, making sure to keep it clean.

    It can take anything from a few days to three weeks for the initial soreness to go away. The healing time varies depending on  how well it is looked after. Generally, the healing period is around three months.

    If you have just had a body piercing, it is recommended that you do not go swimming until your piercing has healed properly. The chlorine that is used in swimming pools may cause the piercing to dry out, making it tear more easily.

    Swimming in streams, lakes, rivers or the sea, is not recommended during the healing period. The water may be unclean and you could get an infection. Also, avoid using hot tubs and jacuzzis because they may increase the risk or infection.

    Once your body piercing has healed, if you do decide to go swimming, make sure you cover your piercing properly using a waterproof plaster or bandage, available over-the-counter (OTC) at pharmacies.

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