
Is it ok to want this to happen?

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My parents always fight and theyre yelling 2 eachother at this very moment saying how theyre just gonna leave.... im starting to actually want them to get another divorce just so i can get away fromt he constant fighting... is this ok to think... i just want to go live with my grandparents...




  1. Yes, it is okay to think that. It's a horrible situation and sometimes separation is the only and best thing to do.

  2. tell your parents how you feel they shouldn't be doing that why you are around.

  3. I feel like that sometimes to when my parents fight, i think it's perfectly fine to think it :)

  4. It sounds like your parents need to grow up.  When they start fighting tell them how inappropriate it is for them to put you in that position of having to hear comments that you should not at your age.  Tell them about the pressure and anxiety that they are putting you under.  Ask them if their issues are really more important than your well being.  Tell them you will no longer have any of their nonsense.

  5. It's completely ok to think that.

    I wish my parents had divorced or separated when i was younger. I would pray for it some nights.

    Have you talked to one of them? (preferably the one who you get along with better)

    I went through the same thing my whole life, don't feel alone, i understand.

    Even if this situation never ends, you need to stay focused on yourself. Make YOUR life good and get out. Get an education, and a good job, and hit the road.

    This may even give you more drive to succeed in life, so use your anger and upset as a driving force.

    It will get better, i promise.

  6. It's actually ok to think that, but what is even better is if you talk to your parents about it.  Maybe just talk to one of them at a time.  Hearing that from you may make them change their ways - they may not fight in front of you or let you hear them, they may make an extra effort for their marriage to work (like, working on their marriage together or even with a counselor).  Truly consider talking to them (individually is probably best because it's less awkward for you and they're going to tell each other what you said anyways) and best wishes to you.

    PS- I know how hard it is (I come from a divorced family too).

  7. If I were in your place, I would feel the same way. Why isn't living with your grandparents a possibility? Have you a friend whose family would let you stay until something is worked out. Your parents are hurting you very much and you deserve to be in a better place. Much luck!

  8. Yeah it's normal to want your parents to stop fighting.  My parents used to argue and bicker CONSTANTLY and threaten each other with divorce and were always seperated and I WANTED them to get a divorce just so they would be happy and stop the constant fighting and eventually the thing they were fighting over was resolved and they realized it was stupid to be fighting over it

    So i got lucky and my parents stopped fighting which usually doesn't happen but to answer your question YES ITS NORMAL.  Don't fret.  I'm sorry and I know how you feel where you can't tell any adults or tell your parents how you feel and you want to leave but you cant.  same situation I was in and theres not much you can do. sorry

  9. try calling a help line and talking to a counselor.

    you may need to tell your grandparents or your parents close friend to speak to them and let them know they are upsetting you.

    good luck

  10. Oh honey, yes it is definitely OK.  I went through the same thing when I was a child, so my heart goes out to you.  My parents were always fighting and screaming when I was little, and I actually prayed for them to split up so that I wouldn't have to deal with the fighting anymore.

    Try talking to your grandparents about what's going on at home.  You might not be able to live with them, but maybe they can talk your parents into either getting help or separating.  Either option would be better than fighting all the time, especially when they have a daughter who is affected by it.  Good luck, and hang in there.

  11. Oh I used to PRAY that my parents would get a divorce!  I couldn't stand all the screaming and belittling they would do to each other.

    However, in a weird way, I guess I learned that a marriage is not all googly-eyes and roses and that there would be plenty of lumps and bumps along the way.  My parents are still together (40 years!!!) and my own marriage has survived quite a few hurdles for 18 years & counting  :-)

    So, in a sense, it is admirable that they are not taking the easy way out and are committed to each other despite their differences.  However, listening to them fight is not doing you any favors.

    If they fight at night when you are in bed, you should let them know you can hear every word.  Sometimes that will shock a parent into resolving issues in a more constructive way --- or at least using better language when they do disagree!

    If that doesn't work, let them know that you think all of you should see a family counselor (not just a marriage counselor for them).  Then the counselor can let them know that their fighting is damaging YOU and that might get them to agree to work on their problems.  In the heat of the moment, they aren't thinking that they are hurting you, they are just lashing out at the other person.  Once they are faced with the fact that they are causing their child pain, the guilt might encourage them to make some real changes.

    ((((( big hug! )))))

    Hang in there!

  12. i think i won't be ok if u didn't want this to happen

    it is a horrible thing to go through take cake

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