
Is it ok to wash the cushion covers on a micro suede couch, in the washing machine my son spilled stuff on.?

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I tried to spot clean it but I can't get the stains to come out. I had this problem with another couch but the material was different so I just put it in the washing machine and it came clean. This couch is new and I don't want to mess it up. There is nothing on the tags that say how to clean it or if it is washer safe, the material is called a micro suede blend. Please help!!




  1. I wouldn't even attempt to take the covers off, but if you want to try, I'd use cold water, mild soap like Woolite and as soon as they are done spinning out in the washer put them back on the cushions while still damp. If their still damp that may help prevent shrinking and you'd never get them back on. Good Luck.

  2. I cleaned ice cream stains off our couch with a spray bottle full of water. I just sprayed it on and wiped it clean. It didn't leave any spots or nothing, but it was a little stiff. I bet it would be fine to wash. Just don't dry it. Rub a dry towel over it if it is stiff after it dries. Good luck!!!

  3. Yes, you can put the cover in the washer.  Use mild detergent on gentle cycle.  Do not put in the dryer.  Once dry, the fabric may feel stiff.  Use a hand towel to rub over the fabric to loosen the fibers back up, but not too much pressure.

    Microsuede fabric is some of the easiest fabric to clean, and is actually pretty durable.  Hope that helps!!

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