
Is it ok to water a garden when the sun is directly on plants?

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Thanks for all of your answers. I run an irrigation type system that isn't on a timer, but I was told the other day that it doesn't matter, that I shouldn't give my garden large amounts of water when the sun is shining. This led me to believe that there was something I didn't know was taking place. Apparently my brother doesn't know what he's talking about. Thanks




  1. It would be pointless. the sun would dry up the water

  2. Water won't hurt your plants on a hot day. Don't let them wilt as they will have a hard time recovering and loose vigor and growth will slow.  

  3. It's not a good thing to do, but some peoples schedules do not meet an early am watering..if you do..water them from belwo and not overhead like with a sprinkler..water from underneath and keep the water off of the leaves

  4. The drops of water can work like a magnifying glass and burn spots in your plants.

    Best time is early morning or late in the evening, but not during the heat of the day.

  5. Your best bet is to not water your garden when the sun is directly upon it. Wait until the evening when the sun is less direct to water them. 1st reason, your plants can burn when watered in direct sunlight. 2nd reason is that the water will evaporate quicker in the sun, giving less time to nourish your plants.  In evening or very early morning watering, the water has more time to penetrate the soil as well as more time for the roots to take what they need.

  6. Sometimes a little common sense is in order. It is poor practice to spray water onto plants when the sun is high overhead or late in the evening . It makes perfect sense to water the ground around plants any time during the day. The roots love water and could care less where the sun is.

  7. Best time to water is 30 minutes before sunrise.

  8. Here is an interesting article about water gardening,


    Hope this helps you out more.

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