
Is it ok to wear a silver dress to a wedding?

by Guest34116  |  earlier

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This is the dress I purchased for an upcoming brunch wedding September 2008.

Well I made the mistake of showing the bride the dress I bought. At first she was telling it its "too fancy" and then finally told me the truth of how she was really feeling and said "you shouldn't wear silver to a wedding." I have never heard you can't wear silver to a wedding. White - yes, I understand that. But not Silver. Mind you, I am NOT in her bridal party, I am a GUEST to her wedding. Any answers for me?




  1. I'd return it if you could. Whatever normal conventions are, if this bride's going to be uncomfortable with you wearing silver, it's your relationship with her that will suffer. You showed her the dress, and can't change that, she will most likely be upset if you decide to wear the dress anyways.  

    Aside from the color, I agree it is also much more of an evening cocktail dress than appropriate for a brunch (it's too short).

    The yellow dress that Lydia suggested is lovely, or something similar.

  2. I could understand her not wanting you to wear it if it were white.  But its silver, I've never heard that you can't wear silver to a wedding.  Its a beautiful dress, so just wear it to her wedding.  It shouldn't matter what you wear.  Sounds like a picky bride to me.  

  3. you did in fact make the mistake of showing her... so many girls are so worried abut their weddings, they become bridzillas. they forget the real meaning behind it. sharing the day of when you begin your life with your new partner. not what dress someone is wearing!

    i think this dress is gorgeous. i would wear flats so it doesnt look to s**y for a brunch. i have NEVER heard of not being able to wear silver. white is the obvious, but i dont think, until recently, silver was a color anyone really wore anyway. so there certainly isnt any etiquette rules on it! the only thing i would worry about would be the fact you did already show her & she has expressed her opinion. so if you wore it then you would be directly going against the brides wishes. call her again & ask her is she would mind since you spent $80 on the dress! or try to echange it for a different color.

    good luck!

  4. I think the dress is lovely and not inappropriate at all. Really, you shouldn't have shown it to the bride, just shown up in it and I'm sure no one would have said anything. However, now that you know the bride doesn't want you to wear it, it would be rude to just wear it anyway.

    I would, however,  first try telling the bride that you really love your dress and were really looking forward to wearing it. If need be, beg her to let you wear it, and hopefully she'll realize how petty she's being and relent.

    If you can't get her to change her mind, though, I would try to go with something else. It does suck, because it's not the bride's job to be the fashion police, but in the interest of friendship, I'd just suck it up and find something else to wear. In the end, it's just a dress, and even if the bride doesn't realize that, it doesn't mean that you can't.

  5. I think the dress is very nice, but being as how she invited YOU to the wedding and not the other way around, I think you should respect her feelings and not wear it.


  6. I love the dress. Is she really going to monitor what everyone is going to wear? I think you should wear the dress and maybe you could find a light weight wrap or jacket for the dress. Accessories are everything and also the shoes. I have never heard of not wearing silver to a wedding. Just make sure it doesn't become a bigger issue than it should. I wish I looked that good in that type of dress. ;)

  7. it's a very cute dress- and i've never heard not to wear silver to a wedding- but it is close to white- and you may stand out a bit- and its her day, so you should respect her wishes, and not wear it.  For whatever reason she doesn't think its appropriate and if you care about her feelings than you should find another dress.

  8. The style of dress isn't appropriate, and neither is silver.

    Some ideas -

  9. I think its too short to be appropriate for a wedding

  10. i love the dress and think it would be fine...  also you could dress it up or down with accessories and shoes

  11. Nothing wrong with silver, the dress is really nice (maybe a tad short, but it will prob. look different on you).  Those first Sears dresses another answerer are butt ugly (except the last one...that one is pretty for an afternoon wedding). You should wear what makes you feel comfortable and pretty. As long as it isn't white, you're fine.  

  12. I think it's completely appropriate, and I'm sure you'll look great =]

  13. Honestly, I think it's too short and still too close to white for a guest to wear.

    If you really want to wear it then tone it down drastically by wearing dark  long beaded necklace and earrings and a shawl draped around your shoulders, with darker shoes.

    All the best.  

  14. I dont like when guests wear white either, but this is silver and I feel that is completely different. I think the dress you chose is acceptable, and does not fall under the category of white. It appears to be a light grey tone.

  15. It's a very nice dress. Seems to me like the bride is a bit jealous and probably wanted to buy that dress herself for the after party, or another wedding that you were going to be at also. Who knows what her reasoning is, but there is no rule that you can't wear silver at a wedding. Heck people wear Black all the time. Maybe White, yeah, but not silver! Go for it. What do you care what she thinks? She can't tell you what to wear, as long as you are comfortable, that's all that matters.

  16. In the picture it looks fine.  I would say you shouldn't wear it if it is shiny, but it doesn't look that way in the picture.

    Even though your friend is the that is wrong I think you should take back the dress and get something else.  It is her day and why make her mad.  When you pick another dress don't show it to her.

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