
Is it ok to wear eyeliner if you have contacts?

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i've been wearing contacts for about two years now and i want to start wearing eyeliner on the bottom lash line, my mom is totally against this and she thinks it will ruin my contacts and my eyes...will the eyeliner cause a problem with my contacts? please answer




  1. Not of what I know of.  My friend has contacts and wears LOADS of eyeliner.

  2. I wear contacts and eyeliner and its not bad at all. My eyes are fine.

    Hope I helped :)

  3. Listen to your mom especially if you do not have Insurance on your contacts.  I wore mascara and by the afternoon it was on my contact. I had no Insurance and had to re buy them again.

    Mom knows best!

  4. I was a little nervous about it at first but now I wear it..mostly on top though and on the outsides kinda.It's fine.

  5. No. I wear contacts and I wear eyeliner every single day and Ive never had any problems with my contacts

  6. yeah its fine... i wear contacts and eyeliner and nothing happened...

  7. idk maybe look it up on google

  8. Well if your contacts are usually loose, than it wouldn't be a great idea. Other than that, sure why not!

  9. noo!

    i have been wearing eyeliner with mine for 2 years now

    and I'm perfectly fine!

    yes sometimes it does smudge and make your eyes a little blurry but just a quick spray of saline solution helps with that. Just don't do it too heavy and you will be fine.

  10. I wear contacts and eyeliner all the time and it doesn't ruin it.

    There are eyeliners that are safe for contacts if you want to tell your mom that and search for one but I just stick with the same brand of eyeliner.

  11. I wear contacts and liquid liner.  A little risky, some would say, but I have found that as long as you don't share your eyeliner with your friends, keep all of your tools clean and put the contacts in before you put on your eyeliner, you should be fine.  The more you wear it the better you'll get at applying it.  

  12. NO,personally i think it is too risky,my friend said that she did that and her contacts hardened really hard and she was like terrified she was  tearing up really bad but then again i have a lot of friend that wear contacts and they wear makeup and eyeliner and they seem fine:]

  13. yeah is fine!! just make sure that you read on the container that it is contact safe, otherwise your eyes will start tearing up and it will sorta burn. (trust me, i forgot to check one time. it is EXTREMELY uncomfortable)

  14. yeah thats totally fine i know plenty of people who wear eyeliner and contacts.  

  15. eyeliner does not cause a problem with contacts at all

  16. Not at all sweetie!! I've been doing it for years and I am a licensed make-up artist.  

  17. I do it all the time and dont have any problems! Just dont use too much and youll be fine. (;

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