
Is it ok to wear full dress whites, navy choker whites uniform, to the formal dinner on a carnival cruise?

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Is it ok to wear full dress whites, navy choker whites uniform, to the formal dinner on a carnival cruise?




  1. no if it is a formal you would need to go with the dress blues not dress whites.

  2. Only during the Navy's "summer" period." Whites in the summer, blues in the winter. Personally, I wouldn't want to... it is a pain to get stains out of the polyester, and besides, you're on vacation. Leave it for the crew. If I was on a cruise, I would have left everything but my ID card and tags at home. Do you want to get confused with the ship's crew? Some folks might think you are just showing off.

    You're better off in a white dinner jacket (tuxedo). Besides, they are much more comfortable.

  3. If you are a naval officer, then yes.  Dress uniform is equivalent to a business suit.  Full dress, or mess dress, is equivalent to a tux.  If you are not a naval officer, then it would be inappropriate and indeed criminal to appear in that uniform.

  4. Actually I've always worn nice slacks and polo shirt and been fine. Some peoples idea of formal is different and can't really fit within a mold. Yes, they say black tie, etc. but the truth is, you're not going to be turned away because they understand you're on vacation and as long as it's not jeans, shorts with a t-shirt, but nice "business look", you'll be fine. Some really get into it with the formal look to the point of a tux, but let them do that and you do your nice professional look and don't worry what others want to do or think - you're on vacation!!

  5. If you want to look like one of the ship's officers it is fine.  Nothing in regs says you can't do it.  However, on Carnival, you may look out of place.  Just wear a regular suit.

    On Celebrity, I have seen a Royal Scottish Guard officer wearing a kilt with a white dinner jacket.  Very cool looking.

  6. Navy dress whites are premitted at ANY function. I am assuming you mean the officer mess dress with salad.

    You will be honored by many.

  7. The military dress whites are appropriate whenever others would wear a tuxedo.  They are considered at least as formal as "black tie"

    Dress Blues, winter... Dress white Summer.

  8. Only if you are in the Navy

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