
Is it ok to wear jeans on the first day of school?

by  |  earlier

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Would it be too warm (I mean generally..we're talking September 2nd). Do people usually wear jeans on the first day, or is it too early?




  1. It to me is perfectly fine hey I'm going to wear jeans to .... or pajama bottoms, don't know.

  2. hardly too warm, it's fine

  3. I am in Phoenix, AZ and I always wear jeans!  Yeah they are hot, but they also look cute, yeah wear them!

  4. Yes why wouldnt it be?

  5. no, it's fine.

  6. You're going to be inside, so it's ok.

  7. I will prolly wear jeans on the first day but it depends on the weather cuz here we have all kinds of weather so it could be 20 degrees or 90 degrees so it just depends

  8. ofcourse...just wear wtvr u feel comfortable in!!!!!!! have fun my school starts septmeber 24 hehe

  9. umm no actually ima wear someskinny jeans and just wear a short sleeve shirt you arent so hot =]

  10. yeahh of course... why wouldnt it be! i think most people wear jeans. youd be fine..dont even worry about it

  11. Nah, it's okay. I did last year.

    But this year I'm wearing a denim skirt. I'd wear that instead because it's sumemry and fall-like.

  12. yes im whereing jeans but shorts

  13. Ha ha. I remember when I used to obsess over my appearance.

    Just go with the flow, check the weather and see what is good for you.

    Hope it goes well (:

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