
Is it ok to wear this shirt to school?

by  |  earlier

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Is it ok if I wear a shirt that says, "You know I'm always right"? Does it violate the dress code of my elementary school in any way?




  1. you should call the school and ask or review your dress could before wearing it ... I don't think it would you may get called on more by your teacher :P

  2. i just got out of elementary school, it shuldnt unless it has any pictures on it that you know you shoudnt wear, other wise it should be fine, oh, and, cute shirt

  3. i think your fine

  4. thats fine to wear. the only way it would not be appropriate would be if there was any provanity such as swearing, sexualy related writing/pictures, anything of that matter and just clothes that are to revealing. there should not be any problem wearing that.

  5. Yeah, that's totally fine.

  6. My friend wore a t-shirt that had naked women on it they didnt do anything

  7. Na your good

  8. why would u wear that

  9. go ahead and wear it. i dont see why it would break any dress codes.  

  10. of course its ok....elementary school?

    how old are you?

  11. No not really, most schools allow t-shirts with riding on it if its not unappropriated.  If you want to make sure if its ok you should ask your school for a booklet that tells you your rights and responsibilities, that should give you lots of information, but if your still not sure go ask your teacher or on adult that's the best thing to do. I hope this helped you.

  12. Nopers

  13. That should be ok. =]

  14. that's a perfectly fine shirt trust me you wont get in trouble its all good youngster :D

  15. ur in elementary school. and ur on here?

    thats not very safe..

  16. No. Don't worry. It's just a joke. EVERYONE has a t-shirt that says SOMETHING like that...

  17. ask because you never know.

    btw here's a site that will help you on  all the advice you need on school

    hope it help's

  18. Not at all

  19. consider yourself lucky, in UK schools we all get to wear uniforms!!! YAY!!!!

    anyway, i would say how could they stop you wearing a shirt? as long as it isn't offensive it should be fine

  20. i dont think anybody would have a problem with you wearing that shirt.

  21. no thats perfectly fine


  23. Nope.

    wats up with ur screen name? R u depressed?

  24. No it does not. Check with your school district's dress code.

  25. wow i dont know where you are from but in amsterdam its normal to wear clothes that says alot worse things haha i think it sounds like a cool shirt :P

  26. No one here can answer that, since you did not give us your school's dress code.

    Many schools ban shirts with any saying on them.  Yours might be one of them.

    All the best.

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