my daughter is 8 weeks old and has been pretty colicky since around the typical 3 week mark that colic usually starts. anyways, everybody keeps telling me that it's okay to just let her cry, as long as she has a dry diaper and has been fed. i just haven't been able to do that yet! but her outbursts are just inconsoleable. i've tried offering her a pacifier, and that works occaisionally, but only for a few minutes. i've tried walking her around, bouncing and swaying her, putting her in a swing, carrying her in a baby sling, putting her in her stroller, even car rides and nothing seems to work for more than a minute or so. i'm at my wits end here and everyone keeps telling me just to let her cry but i feel so guilty because once i pick her up, she settles down for a minute or so. what do i do? i've tried both mylicon and the gripe water- they didn't seem to do anything except offer a psychosomatic comfort for me. she's on enfamil gentlease which is the most easily digested formula out there. i tried to breastfeed but she hated the boob, so that wont work either. and i can't have help during the day because all my friends and family work- especially her daddy (he has 2 jobs) so it's always just me. i'm not necessarily frustrated, just upset that i can't do anything to make her happy. i've tried all the kinds of positions to hold her and even taken her to ER a few weeks back just to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with her and they said there wasn't anything else i can do. is there really nothing else?!