
Is it okay? PLEASE HELP... again

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my daughter is 8 weeks old and has been pretty colicky since around the typical 3 week mark that colic usually starts. anyways, everybody keeps telling me that it's okay to just let her cry, as long as she has a dry diaper and has been fed. i just haven't been able to do that yet! but her outbursts are just inconsoleable. i've tried offering her a pacifier, and that works occaisionally, but only for a few minutes. i've tried walking her around, bouncing and swaying her, putting her in a swing, carrying her in a baby sling, putting her in her stroller, even car rides and nothing seems to work for more than a minute or so. i'm at my wits end here and everyone keeps telling me just to let her cry but i feel so guilty because once i pick her up, she settles down for a minute or so. what do i do? i've tried both mylicon and the gripe water- they didn't seem to do anything except offer a psychosomatic comfort for me. she's on enfamil gentlease which is the most easily digested formula out there. i tried to breastfeed but she hated the boob, so that wont work either. and i can't have help during the day because all my friends and family work- especially her daddy (he has 2 jobs) so it's always just me. i'm not necessarily frustrated, just upset that i can't do anything to make her happy. i've tried all the kinds of positions to hold her and even taken her to ER a few weeks back just to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with her and they said there wasn't anything else i can do. is there really nothing else?!




  1. Have you had her checked for reflux?  Sounds very similar to my son (who is now 5 months old).  After getting the run around by the phone nurse at our pediatrician, we took him in for his 8 week check and he was suffering from reflux.  We started him on Zantac liquid and he is a different child!  

  2. be patient with her - talk softly and if the weather permits, take her outside.  Not sure why, but fresh air tends to help colicky babies.  Good luck!

  3. If your at your wits end, when she is screaming, you must put her somewhere safe like her crib, and leave the room for 5 minutes. Have a cup of tea, a glass of water, deep breaths then go back in. When we are tired and stressed we can snap, and thats normal, but bad for baby. Dont feel guilty letting her cry for a little bit, if it keeps you at an even keel. The first 3 months are the hardest, then it gets better. Wind is painful, so just make sure nappy dry, fed, and be with her of course, but you must take little breaks. You dont need to feel guilty, but you will if you let frustration creep up, as it does, and when sleep will lead to you doing something to you or your baby you would never, ever  normally do. Even yelling and it scares her..You seem like someone who would really beat themselves up for that....Plus she will sense your angst, and it will make her cry more.  

  4. If you think its because she is gassy and the formula is making her that way trying pumping.  My son hated breastfeeding but I pump so that during the day he can have breast milk instead of all formula.  This weekend he has all formula because we were visiting people and he was a lot grumpier today.  Although I guess at 8 weeks you are probably all dried up.  Try finding a babysitter for a few hours a day...even if its at a day care center, so you can get a break for awhile.

  5. Oh poor you, i was in the same situation with my first and it went on for 6 weeks, and i was at my wits end to!

    I remember going for car journeys at 2-3am just to try to settle.

    Unfortunately, nothing really helped my little man but make sure you feed her sitting upright at all times, don't lay her back as this can cause wind.

    I've just had my second little man and am breastfeeding with not one sign of colic, so i am a true believer that its the formula that can add to colic problems.

    My son grew out of it after several weeks, but in the mean time lots of cuddles and tummy massaging can help and make sure you burp her every few minutes!

    ALl the best! x

  6. My daughter was exactly the same. She screamed and screamed and screamed. Turns out she has reflux which the symptoms are very similar so it may be worth a try asking if this could be the problem. One trick I did was to whisper really quietly to her and she would look at me and because she couldn't hear me over her screams, she would stop. Then I would give her a big smile and start talking to her in a really soothing voice. I'm not saying it worked all of the time but it did like half of it. We got some medication for her reflux and it took a full week for it to work but now, it's heaven.  

  7. My son did the same thing. My doctor gave me Rx gas drops that I gave to him EVERY OTHER BOTTLE. Although she told me to give it to him at every feeding. And I kept him swaddled as much as possible and played soft music or drained some water from my fish tank so he could hear the trickles and kept the lights low. Don't lay baby down after feedings and try to get that burp no matter how long it takes. Never scream as they will only scream louder. After 2 weeks, it was OVER!! Yea!!!!!!!

  8. Colic isn't completely understood.  Colic is just a definition they have given to long boughts of crying or fussing for no apparent reason.  Some babies just feel the need to cry. It sounds like you are doing everything that you can.  CIO is a method that usually isn't reccomended for babies under 6 months of age.  I also have never been able to let my baby CIO.  I think its hard because it would be going against your motherly instinct.  It is instinct for a mother to respond to her babies crying.  I wouldn't necessarily reccomend CIO to any mother that felt it wasn't right.  Although I have never had to deal with a colicy baby...... so I wouldn't be one to judge any mother that choose to let there baby CIO.  If your not comfortable with letting her cry, then DON"T.  Other people should instead of telling you what your SHOULD do....... should offer to watch her for a few hours a week..... so you could get out and go do something enjoyable for yourself to give you a much needed break.  Just continuing to comfort your baby when she is dealing with with a bout of crying..... and be proud of yourself for continuing to be a good mother.   I think I would put on a MP3 player and while comforting her..... that way you can listen to some enjoyable noise every once in a while.  And keep up the good work mommy...... this colic will pass...... and turn into a distant memory  before you know it.

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