
Is it okay for 13 year old girl to become "Pescaterian"?

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I just started 8th grade and thinking about becoming pescaterian do you think it will be okay?




  1. If thats what you want, then go for it.

  2. What a healthy choice that is!!

    Is perfectly fine for everybody to be a pescaterian, BUT.....if you don't plan to have a steady diet of the canned variety can get expensive.

    Make sure it is balanced with a fair amount to vegies & fruits.

    SO my answer is YES!!!!!!

  3. Yeah, that's perfectly fine! I have a niece who's been a pescaterian since she was five, simply because she never enjoyed eating other meat. Just make sure you get enough iron and other nutrients/minerals that are found in red meat. I'd also talk to your parents about your decision to make sure they respect what you're doing and will accomodate you as far as family meals are concerned.  

  4. well yeah, you can make your own discisions, but you should tell a doctor first. you'll probably have to get protien tablets.  

  5. You'd only eat seafood? That's fine. Fish is really good for you. I think it would provide enough protien to replace chicken or beef. Just make sure you do plenty of research to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need.

  6. I do think it is unwise at this stage in you're life.

    You're still developing and you need a range of nutrients in order for you to grow to you're full potential. You hear stories all the time of girls who have had eating disorders early in their lives to not develop b*****s or grow tall.

    However, it is important to get the right amount of fish in you're diet to provide you with you're daily/weekly allowance of omega 3.

    I think, if you want to be a pescetarian, wait off for a while until you're 18 when you've gone through puberty and developed more. For now though, i think have a healthy diet with a range of protein, fish,fats and roughage (greens)

    Good luck.

    I like tuna.


  7. No, you should really wait until you are fully grown. The body uses all types of proteins to grow different parts of it. If you do it really wisely its possible but vegan types diets should be reserved for adulthood, you dont want to stunt your growth or get any type of deficiencies that will harm you in the future.  

  8. Well in my opinion, you shouldn't just eat seafood, you should eat other things so that you can consume all the nuritents you need.

  9. Throughout history people who lived in coastal settlement were regularly fish-eaters - not through choice, but through necessity.

    There are no special health problems associated with a diet where fish is the only high-protein food - the vegetable / fruit / grain / protein balance is way more important than what kind of protein you get.

    You probably need to bear in mind that much of the fish you buy in cities is intensively farmed, and often heavily processed. Fish isn't always an ethical choice, and won't cut your intake of hormones and pesticides unless you are very careful about what fish you eat.

    But then meat is intensively farmed and can be heavily processed too - so eating fish instead of meat isn't really that much different.

  10. If you think it's right for you, go for it.

    It would cut a lot of red meats and fats down!

  11. There is nothing wrong with you becomming a vegan at your age. I would discuss what you would like to do with your Mom and ask her to take you to a doctor for a complete check up and also the ob/gyn and ask to see a nutritonalist, you are young and it would be a good idea for you to have some guidance if you choose to go in this direction . Good Luck

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