
Is it okay for Condi Rice to threaten Russia with nuclear war?

by Guest44653  |  earlier

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She make a missile deal with Poland and Russia is really angry. Rice said we will defend Poland the same as it it were the United States. We may have to fight Russia next. Crazy situation.




  1. I think the reason for the missile defence system is a little shady,

    They claim it is to prevent Iran and North Korea from targeting Europe, but even Israel says that Iran doesn't have the capability to launch a missile that far. Turkey (another NATO country) would have at least the pretense of being a better site for the defense system.

    and Putin had previously offered a joint missile defence system working with the US and rest of Europe. The US refused this proposal

  2. Russia is the one that threatened that , the ABM system is a defensive weapon. You need to seriously pay attention and keep your eye on the ball.

  3. Only if she is willing to go all the way. Empty threats do not accomplish anything.

  4. Such threats are either empty or suicidal. I don't know which I like more.

  5. Oh Yes USA !!! Try to hit someone of your own size , so as world could

    see your real braveness.

  6. Poland is a member state of NATO.  Thus, it is given protections (and has obligations) as a NATO member.  This is my understanding.  See link.  Signed by Madeleine Albright, Clinton's Secretary of State, in 1997.

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