
Is it okay for Texas Teachers To Carry Guns?

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This is crazy i read this headline and i could not believe it, these people are crazy!




  1. Steven is right - the students in ANY school deserve protection. If they don't have a cop in the hall, what are they to do?

  2. l live in tx and it's only this school district, which l think is a pretty small school district, this was on the news yesterday and the guy was explaining the special requirements to carry the gun...not saying right or wrong but l have 2 kiddos still in daycare so when the times comes l will voice my opinion...

  3. These people are NOT crazy.  Do you realize EVERY mass shooting in the US has the following common traits:

    1: They ALL occur in 'gun free zones'.

    2: They ALL end with the shooter DEAD.

    3: The ONLY variable is if they finish and shoot themselves, or if someone else shots them first.  In that case, whoever shoos them SAVED the live of the people they did not have time to kill.

    There has NEVER been a case of ANYONE legally issued a concealed weapons permit STARTING a shootout.

  4. Guns have no place in a school.  I'm all for protecting our right to bear arms... but weapons need to be kept out of schools.  

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