
Is it okay for a 12 year old girl that is 5'8'' to weigh 116?

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my names ashley too lol=]] and thanks




  1. thats good

  2. that is underweight for that height, but its hard to say for girls that young. sometimes they start out very thin and will put on a little as they go through puberty

  3. thats so skinny...gain some weight:)

  4. Well... if you haven't developed anything (hips, b***s, a bottom) then maaaaaaybe... but still. that's a little skinny considering the height. If you don't feel like you are going to pass out when you run around... i gues syou are okay. just please eat healthy. your body will do what it's gotta do. JUST EAT!

  5. Um, that is a bit underweight. However, you are tall for your age, so it depends on your build.

    I'm almost 15, I'm 5'7" and i'm 115 pounds, but my build is thin. So it depends on how healthy you are. If you're eating right and the doctor says you're fine, then it doesn't matter if its okay or not, as long as you are fine with yourself.


  6. Don't listen to anyone saying your too skinny, or whatever. If your body has been growing the same it has been and you eat what you need to, its just a fast metabolism. I have one too, and I'm fine, you should be very happy with your height and weight, most people would kill themselves over just trying to get where your at, and all you have to do is live a normal life instead of pounding yourself to the ground to get skinny. But don't let it get to your head you don't want to be a "fat" skinny person, aka, someone who eats c**p and sits around all day but has a fast metabolism so they stay skinny, because when they get older and their metabolism slows, BOOM, they're huge. Your body can't survive that way. Don't overwork yourself either, weight fluctuation at your age is normal. Your body is perfect the way it is.

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