
Is it okay for a Muslimah to ride a bike to University?

by  |  earlier

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Buses are so expensive and take ages?




  1. well it depends on the clothes u wear

    because if ur body shows then  it is wrong.

  2. yes of course ...

    it wud be better for ur health wouldnt it ?

    ps - im muslim .. in case ure wondering neh

  3. There's nothing wrong with it.

    Have a nice day!   :)

  4. No it is wrong

  5. nope theres nufin wrong with  that

  6. Moses had his Triumph, so I don't see why not.

  7. Are you kidding me? I ride a bike to university;-p

  8. Well I guess its not haram to ride a bike.

    And u wont lose ur virginity from riding one!

  9. That's a good question. I have never seen one of those.

  10. Hmmmmm....... u woried that your hymen might break?

    well it can break by falling or tripping but its got to be a really big fall lol! U sud be fine... dont worry


  11. It is fine - as long as you don't ride the bike INTO the University.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. Bring on the official Yahoo warning!!!!

  12. salam

    its okay to ride a bike to anywhere ... nothing will happen to the private parts whatever that is that u mean lol !!!!

  13. wtf!?? damages private parts?? I'm sorry im just really confused as to whether you are serious or not: OF COURSE a muslimah can ride a bike...any where!! as long as its not some place haram....d**n....damage some private parts..what were you thinking??


  14. Our holy prophet (P.B.U.H) is re reported to have said "SEEK KNOWLEDGE EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE FURTHEREST PLACE LIKE CHINA" so as you are saying that a muslimah ride a bike to university for studying so it is not wrong it is write

  15. Yah i think its Fine to Ride a Bike to ur University ! Lucky That ur not living in saudi arabia ! They even dont Allow Women to Drives cars !

  16. Personally, it is best if you do not ride a bike in public. Too many evil eyes.

    take care and best wishes,


  17. Are you serious sis?  What's wrong with riding a bike?

    I recommend the Honda CBR400 for starters.\

    EDIT: ROFL ummm... no, it does not damage any private parts of either the rider or the bike.

  18. Just keep ur self in the limits of ALLAH n do any thing. Simply biking is not bad if it is done with abiding all rules set in islam for a lady.

  19. Hi, im a muslim teenage girl, and for some reason im not allowed to ride a bike in public.

    i dont see why i cant, but i think my mum believes it is inappropriate for a young women to ride a bike!!

    if your parents are fine with it then sure you can!! :D

    i hope i helped!!  

  20. you are obviously on here to indirectly mock our faith. What a silly girl. Asking such questions. what next? is it haram to fly high up as it may offend God being so close to heaven lol? You need help girly

  21. I do not want to give you an answer and make a fatwa without knowledge.

    However I advise you to ask this question to the Ulemaa and not the people on Yahoo Answers.

    Allaah says:

    ((Ask the People of Knowledge if you do not know))

    not the ignorant people, but those people of knowledge.

    You can ask a question here: where one of the Major Scholars will answer your question.

  22. As long as she wears a tight pantie its ok


  23. asaalaamu-alaikum sis, not it's not haraam. don't make things difficult for yourself. you can ride a bike just make sure you're covered properly and all is well. it's good exercise as well.

  24. I don't see why it should be a problem.Its environmentally friendly and inexpensive.I ride a bike sometimes.As for ahem 'private parts' well just make sure your seat is adjusted properly.Take care and regarde'

  25. as long as you don't expose what should be hidden by your jilbaab, there is no proof against it.

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