
Is it okay for a cat to "live" in one room in an entire house?

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I have a large bedroom with a couch, futon, etc. and a bathroom. Is it okay to just keep a cat in one room?




  1. If you have a very large room and lots of activities for a cat - such as sunny window to look out and a nice cat tree to play on and lots of toys, it could work.  Lots of cats live in small apartment and do fine.  The main thing is for your cat to have things to do and exercise and not be bored and confined.

  2. ni its CRUEL!

    how would you like it.

    let your cat roam the house, if its safe to , let him outdoors, either that or go to prison and see how you like it.

  3. it's not a cage, there is a comfy bed in there.  You come to this room to give the cat attention.  I say it is a lucky cat.

  4. It's fine as long as you let the cat roam at least for a few hours a day.  

  5. it won't hurt it but the cat would probably prefer to roam around the house, cats have an urge to roam built in and being stuck in one room kinda sucks. but people keep cats in apartments all the time.  

  6. That would be a pretty boring life, stuck in one room.  Why can't you let it run around in the house?

  7. Yes it's fine as long as the cat has everything it needs. People have small apartments, right?! It's better than the cat living on the street or in the pound. Don't listen to the people who say it's bad, they don't know anything.

  8. Considering how your placce is set up I would say yes. But give him plenty of social interaction and put his stuff where he can easily find them. ( litter box, food, scratching post etc. )

    My sister lives in a studio apartment ( kinda like urs??? )

    and she has a cat and her cat is just fine. Don't worry. He/She will be a-okay! :)

  9. Look, "technically" I would say it is okay, but really, how would you like it! Being stuck in the same room all day, every day. You'd be lonely and bored.

    Cats need to be social with people. If locking a cat in your room all day means that you won't be interacting with it, then that's really unfair for it. But if you spend a lot of time in that room, and the room & bathroom are fairly large with a window that the cat could sit in (they LOVE that) then you'd probably be okay. does sound a little mean, so be careful to give it lots of, treats, scratching post, things to do. Give it LOTS of love and attention, take it out into a garden on a leash so it can chase some bugs and eat some grass (cats need to eat grass as part of their digestive process). Leave your curtains open so it can lay in the sun of a daytime.

  10. Cats sleep anywhere

    Any table, any chair

    Top of piano, window ledge

    In the middle, on the edge

    Open drawer, empty shoe

    Anybody’s lap will do

    Fitted in a cardboard box

    In a cupboard with your frocks

    Anywhere, they don’t care

    Cats sleep anywhere

  11. put a litter box for it

    leave your cat toys to play with

    a bed ( for cats) to sleep on

    let it go around the house atleast once a day

  12. I don't think the amount of space is the problem here.  I think it is the amount of interaction with others.  As long as the cat is not left by itself all the time I think the amount of space that you describe is adequate.  Does the cat get personal attention several times a day?

  13. a cat could never live in one room that is cruel how would u like it that is like abuse u could get arrested

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