
Is it okay for a dog to become obsessed with newborn kittens?

by  |  earlier

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Recently a stray cat has had another litter of kittens, my dog keeps going over and smells them but today he had taken a kitten with him away. I stopped him from doing anything else but I am afraid that he will try again when we are not there. We don't want to move them because the mother cat doesn't like us picking them up.




  1. its totally fine(unless the mother cat doesn't think so). I've heard of dogs taking care of kittens, and cats taking care of puppies. Are the mother cat and dog friends? Perhaps she wouldn't mind. Try to explain to both of them to "share". I've tried it with my dog and my friends cat and they actually played together with the ball I gave them :).

  2. how big is your dog? He may accidently hurt a kitten by trying to pick it up. Id let him socialize heaps with them, as dogs and cats can get along, but I wouldnt let him be around them unsupervised..

  3. I saw a clip on youtube where the dog slept with the kitten and cleaned it. unless your dog is mean and bites people, i'm sure it's fine. I also saw one with a different dog and a different kitten, then a pig taking care of a tiger. If the mother cat is okay with it, there's no problem.

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