
Is it okay for a hamsters cage to smell like it's food?

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And how do you get rid of the smell? It's stinky!




  1. wash the cage

    Here is a great way to clean the cage-

    Tools & Techniques:Animal safe cleaner,newpaper,cleaning rags

    General Info: A dirty cage brings more potentail for infection and sickness for your Hamster as bacteria grows freely in a dirty wet environment.


    1. Clean the cage floor twice a week by removing the litter and cleaning the inside of the cage completely. Place newpapers all around and under the cage. Remove toys, wheels,food trays, etc.

    2. Remove all the bedding and clean the bottom using the animal safe cleaner and rinse with water. Roll up the newpaper will all the bedding etc. and throw in garbage.

    3. Clean all the toys food trays etc., do not use soap on food trays just warm or hot water and a rag or sponge.

    4. Never use phenols or carbolic acid type cleaning chemicals like the kind you might find in the grocery store. They contain chemicals that are harmful to your pet.

    5. Always follow the instructions on any chemical you may buy for you pet. If you clean on a regular basis it will reduce the need for allot of chemicals keeping your pet safer.

  2. of course the hamster will feel like it is in hollywood

  3. clean the cage because the food has probably rotted in your hamsters horde

  4. It probably spells because it's pellets. Pellets get smelly when they get wet. yuck.

    I also suggest you switch your food as soon as possible. Forti-Diet contains a bad preservative called ethoxyquin. Ethoxyquin is known to cause cancer in small animals if they ingest a lot of it. Try to swtich as soon as possible! When you're looking for a good brand of food, read the ingredients carefully to make sure that it doesn't contain ethoxyquin.

    The food that I use for my hamster right now is Vitakraft Menu. It's a good seed mix that is ethoxyquin free, but some people worry that it doesn't contain enough protein. I've learned from a hamster forum that the best brands of hamster food that are priced reasonably are HAZEL HAMSTER and VITAKRAFT MENU. A mixture of the two is probably the best way to go, but if that isn't on your budget, I suggest you buy the Hazel Hamster! Good luck with your hammy!

  5. No, it's probably the stored-away food that's growing bacteria. I would recommend getting a seed mix for your hamster. Those Forti-Diet pellets aren't nutritionally good for hamsters. Hamsters need REAL food. A mix with Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flower seeds, alfalfa pellets, dried fruit and veggies, etc., is a good diet. Your cage won't stink anymore after that (except for the litter box!). Good luck! ^-^

    Brands you can use:

    If you live in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, or Missouri, then there is a garden center called Earl May. They have a healthy seed mix. If you don't live near one, try Petco or PetSmart. Here are some links for food: (Some links are for online shops, but they should have those items in the stores.)

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