
Is it okay for human rights to take a backseat in the face of terrorism and other threats to international sec

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Should captured terrorists' human rights be respected?

Should entire communities' human rights be allowed to suffer in the pursuit of terrorists?

I was reading about the Guantanamo Bay camp and was deeply wounded by the inhumanities being perpetrated there, I found myself questioning the ideologies upon which these practices are based.

What is right, what is wrong? Human rights vs terrorism?

Help me clear my thinking and structure thought. I'm quite illiterate upon the issue and will really appreciate your views. I respond better to logic and reason as opposed to hard facts and information. Thanks a lot for your help.




  1. To me, the question seems absurd. Of course we must uphold our moral principles, otherwise what exactly are we fighting for? Why not just let the terrorists win, or give in to their demands?

  2. All human rights should be respected. All.

  3. we need to lead by example,  stooping the there level will make us no better,  we need to treat the arrested terrorist like all criminals,  they need a fair trial, and if and only if found guilty, then we hang 'em.

    referring to Guantanamo Bay, they have been sitting there, most not even charged with anything, for over 6 years, that goes against our Constitution and it isn't right,  makes us look bad,

  4. its because of HR that terrorism has gained such a hold so why don't the stupid EU  start using their brains it would make a change//better still UK pull out and lets go back to how this country used to be//I don't want Brussels telling how to live my life////As for Guantanamo Bay camp i have never understood it and thats your baby USA

  5. Nope. Country's and not terrorist groups can sign the Geneva Convention - which protects the rights of captured prisoner of wars. So we treat them like c**p.

    But what we are doing is rather immoral. But what else can we do? We can't just execute all of them. Honestly even the military doesn't know what to do with them, and Gitmo will become a bigger problem once they admit that they haven't a clue as to what to do with all those people.

  6. Doesn't human rights say it all....

  7. Yes, to a certain degree.

    Remember 9/11 lest you forget.  Watch a beheading video lest you forget.

    Terrorists don't wear uniforms, don't care about civilian populations, don't care about human rights until they're in custody then they use western laws against us.

    The situation is much larger than what happens at Gitmo.

    Human rights violation is a relative term.  One persons degree of violation is not the same as another's.

    Terrorists win when they whine loud enough that they catch the attention of liberals and then conservatives succomb to the liberalism.

    Enemy combatants are not citizens of the US and do not deserve to be sheltered under our constitution.  

    They don't even whine anymore now they just have to have a 16 year old crying on video.  Kuntar the child killer got released to Lebanon with people welcoming him on red carpet and then vowed to kill again.

    Their mentality is not our mentality.  If you want to survive then you let our gov't do what it needs to do  "to a degree" to ensure our survival. That is our gov'ts job and they are doing it despite all the whining.

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