
Is it okay for me to eat jalapenos?

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well the lady ask if i wanted jalapenos. why would they ask me that? can some people not handle jalapenos? or like are some people not good at digesting it? I don't know whenever i eat it i get an upset stomach and it burns. So if i'm not from a culture who eats jalapenos would i sufffer the consequences later?




  1. They are very very spicy when you're not used to them. I'm from Ireland and the first time I had jalapenos I got a bit of a fright.

  2. jalapeno peppers are one of the highest heat but not as hot as jamacian scotch bonet you must try to adjust ammount to taste

  3. DONT OR YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER (ok maybe for a day but h**l who wants to suffer?)

  4. They ask because some people can not have spicy foods or they can not handle the heat. It is okay to try some and if you feel maybe it is to hot then don't eat it. Every one pays the price when it's time to make a deposit in the bath room.

    Us Hispanics eat them all the time and we experience the burn!!!!

  5. Jalapenos are hot, and some people just don't like or can't eat spicy foods.  She was being courteous.

  6. Well, I wouldn't eat them seperatly. It takes a getttiing use to. I put them in my salsa & chili, & put 4 or 5 on my subway sandwiches.

    IF you get your tongue burnt off, try eating a peice of loaf bread, water or ice won't do it. the acid in the pepper is soaked up automatically by the breat, it absorbs it. Once you get used to them,yeah, they're good, & they'll  help  clear your sinuses!! haha

    I 've heard that hot stuff also increases the endorphines to the brain making your feel good, so it was addicting. But i dont eat them perpetually! haha

    "Try it...... You'll lilke it!" as the old commercial said.

    take care

  7. Jalapeño peppers are spicy and not everyone can eat them without consequences.  Some folks can eat them by the handful and not feel a thing; others can have just a few and end up paying for it a few hours with heartburn, and a couple of days later, next time they take a dump.  Everyone's different.

    If you're not sure whether you can handle them, try ordering them with something like pizza (say, get the jalos on half of the pie) and then see how your body reacts to a couple of slices with the jalos.

    Sensitivity to spicy foods mainly depends on what sort of food you were fed as an infant.  I heard about a woman from Mexico who had had one child in Mexico, moved to the USA, and had another.  She gave the Mexico-born child the usual spicy foods, but not the one born in the USA.  After they grew up, the Mexico kid had no problem with spicy foods, but the USA kid did.

  8. chillis are good, eat them if you dare

  9. Well you would have to adapt yourself to a very hot mexican food.  Jalapenos are hot, hot , hot.  and your stomach will let you know it and there are people like me who love them and to me they are not to hot for me, my stomach has adjusted to them.  So if you want to try them and then find out how you will take them and how they will take you.

  10. I believe she asked you because not everyone like hot/spicy foods.  It has nothing to do with culture, just preference.  

    There are also some people with acid reflux disease that should stay away from hot & spicy foods because it can worsen their discomfort.

  11. I have a friend who can't even eat peppers that most people put on pizza because that burns her tongue. People ask if you want jalapenos or not because majority of the time, others are sensitive to the taste and feel it to be too much for them. As for me, I love jalapenos. I can eat spicy food like its nothing. For those who can't handle it, yes they will suffer consequences. They will become best friends with the toilet seat for a while!!

  12. I hope so!... cos I often eat a whole jar of japaleno stuffed olives!...with no apparent side effects!...

  13. Jalapenos are spicey but I like them...just not the ones that are in vinegar...those are nasty.

  14. I wouldn't eat them.

  15. Knock yourself out, I eat them like popcorn.

  16. Sounds like this is not good for your system. I think it causes you heart burn. Sometimes I have the same problem you seem to experience. I used to be able to eat them. Now I can rarely eat them without stomach problems. I think our system changes as we get older.

  17. They're great. Eat hearty.

  18. Just listen to your body: since you get an upset stomach, don't eat them. :)

    Many people can't handle hot peppers and other spicy things, so it's best to avoid them.

  19. I can't eat them beacuase they make my ulcer flair up! If your stomach burns that could be your problem too! It could just be that you have a lot of stomach acid & it doesn't sit well with that! Get checked by your Dr.

  20. she was being a good server. Many people can't handle spicy food, or simply dislike it, so she was smart to ask you. If you normally like spicy food, you'll like jalapeños, but it's best to try a little bit first before you bite in.

    I love hot peppers, but I hate raw onions, and I really appreciate it when they ask me if I want the onions left out.

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